Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Why Does My Dog Eat Poop?

Coprophagia (Poop Eating) Does your dog have the disgusting habit of eating either their own or another dogs feces? This issue is surprisingly common in dogs and can be very tough to overcome.
Many people will give you well intentioned advice that is VERY unlikely to show any results.
The first thing that I ask a client who is encountering this issue is what do they feed the dog.
If the diet isn't balanced or is of extremely low quality there is a chance that the dog is gorging on feces in order to get minerals or nutrients that he needs.
In my experience this is rarely the cause but should at least be examined as a possibility.
When poor diet has been ruled out, many people will suggest adding things to either the food or poop in order to discourage the habit.
These "fixes" can range from putting pumpkin and meat tenderizer in their food to pouring hot sauce on the poop in the yard.
I have seen some situations where these additives have worked, but it is very rare.
Most dogs that eat poop do it because they like it.
If you have examined your dogs diet and tried the various additives to stop the habit and haven't seen results it is time to face the truth.
99% of household dogs with this issue do it out of boredom or simple enjoyment and need to be taught that you won't allow the habit.
Fixing this issue takes a lot of work and isn't very fun but will make all those licks that your dog gives you much more pleasant.
Give your dog more exercise or stimulation to see if boredom might be the cause (fairly rare) 2.
Pick up the yard frequently 3.
Leave the dog on either a leash or long rope in the yard at all times 4.
Know where the poop is in the yard so that when the dog tries to eat it you can quickly correct with the leash as you tell him "NO" 5.
Remember step 3! If the leash is not on, the dog will eat more poop and further the habit.
I believe in never giving people false hope that something will be easy when that isn't the case.
This issue has no quick fix but can be eliminated with consistency and patience on your part.
If you think boredom might be the cause please see my article on boredom and anxiety http://suburban-k9.
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