Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

The Best Way to Prevent Back Spasm for Athletes

The back is one of the most important parts of the body. It does not only protect the spinal column, but it also serves as a balance that enables people to walk and stand upright. Sometimes, the strength of the muscles of your back is tested with the occurrence of back spasm, which is also called athlete's curse. It is called such because athletes are the most common victims of this painful problem.

Sometimes it cannot be prevented that muscles become strained due to their active lifestyle that involves muscle stretching. People with weak back muscles who engage in sudden movement of the area can also feel the pain.

Living an active lifestyle makes you susceptible to back spasm, but this does not mean you cannot do something about it. It is the most common athletic injury due to the prolonged contraction of the muscles when they are doing their routine. If you experience spasms, the safest course of action would be to take a rest for a few days. Do not attempt to begin exerting your back muscles shortly after an attack because a more painful onset may knock you down.

The lower part of the back is the common target of back spasms. There are different causes and origins, but it is safe to know that spasms are responses of the body to prevent further injury of the muscles.

Inflammation in the spinal region can also be indicated by spasms, so it is recommended that you let the area rest. In most cases, the muscles and ligaments are the cause of the attack, but the spine may also contribute. When you experience this pain, your body is trying to tell you to stop what you are doing to prevent further damage to the body.

Experiencing back spasm is the body's way of telling you that you are overusing your muscles. For instance, playing sports like basketball, baseball, golf, handball, squash, cricket, tennis, or racquetball may all lead to chronic muscular exertion. To strengthen your muscles against cramps and spasms, you should do muscle strengthening exercises that target the lower back. Do not jump into a hard routine at once because this may cause further damage. Instead, gradually increase the number of repetitions as your body adapts to your new routine.

Long runners are also recommended to rest their backs for long hours, especially when they are about to engage in a competition. Oxygen deprivation can also cause spasms, so make sure that you are doing each routine correctly. If you can, avoid sudden twisting and turning without the proper exercise that prepares the body for it. OTC drugs like muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory tablets can also be used to prevent muscle problems.

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