Health & Medical Anxiety

Panic Attacks Anxiety Disorder - The Essential Facts!

Difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, tightness in the chest and feeling faint can all point to a heart attack.
But what if these symptoms also come with overwhelming fear? Although a heart attack can't be discounted, there's a good chance that you are having a panic attack.
They are caused by anxiety or irrational fear and can often be mistaken for heart attacks because of their similar symptoms, like palpitation, difficulty breathing and dizziness.
These symptoms often go untreated and can become a full-blown panic attacks anxiety disorder, which can, in turn, lead to different phobias and other serious disorders.
Although panic attacks are scary and alarming, they can be prevented from becoming serious anxiety disorders and the first step to stop this is to understand these attacks.
The following information can help you understand what they are and how an anxiety disorder can develop as well as how to prevent it from happening.
Anxiety, stress and worry can cause panic attacks.
It's normal to feel fear, anxiety and stress.
But if it happens for no reason and causes serious discomfort like palpitations, sweating, tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing, then you will be experiencing a panic attack.
These symptoms are further aggravated by extreme anxiety and feelings of doom, as well as the fear of going crazy.
Although these attacks usually last for about 10 minutes, they can extend to up to an hour.
Different people can experience anxiety attacks.
They don't choose age, gender or financial status--they can happen to males or females, teenagers or adults, the rich or the poor.
They can also happen anywhere, at any time--whether you're riding the bus or driving your car or even while you're at the movies.
Often, what seems like a simple case of "the nerves" or basic anxiety or stress can often turn into a more serious anxiety disorders.
Different things cause panic attacks.
Something as simple as seeing a TV ad for laundry bleach can cause you to sweat, feel dizzy and faint and to experience an anxiety attack.
This might have been triggered by a bad childhood memory related to laundry bleach, such as hurting your hand with it.
Even everyday things such as crossing the road or giving a crucial presentation to your boss can be a trigger for an attack.
They can be caused by many different things--from traumatic experiences and family history to drug abuse and chemical imbalances.
Anxiety disorder symptoms are different for everyone.
You may experience palpitations, nausea and trembling while others may feel faint, dizzy and nauseous--different people experience panic attacks differently.
Some symptoms may even develop into heart attacks, depending on the severity of the attack.
There is a way to prevent attacks.
Anxiety attacks happen to everyone and they range from very mild to very severe but they may be stopped from becoming debilitating or from developing into a panic attacks anxiety disorder.
One practical way to do this is to know how to fully relax your body and mind.
This can be achieved through a variety of ways--from deep, slow breathing to listening to calming music and visualizing soothing images.
All these can alleviate the symptoms of panic attacks and prevent them from becoming more serious.
There are ways to treat and prevent a panic attacks anxiety disorder.
Although all of us may experience one or two panic attacks throughout our lives, some people may have recurring attacks, which can develop into a debilitating disorder.
Those whose attacks develop into severe anxiety disorders may find themselves too scared to go out of their houses or to even accomplish such mundane tasks as cleaning or cooking.
Anxiety disorders, though, may be treated by regular therapy and, in extreme cases, through medication.
Although anxiety attacks can become debilitating, harmful and lead to a panic attacks anxiety disorder, there is nothing to worry or fear about them.
With knowledge, understanding and proper relaxation techniques, attacks can be controlled and eventually eliminated from your life for ever.
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