If you are just starting out in World of Warcraft as a Horde player, these leveling tips I will share here will be very important for you.
In fact, even if you are in search of faster Horde leveling routines, these tips will still help.
First I would like to say that leveling in World of Warcraft is not difficult.
The mobs die very easily, especially at low levels, and the quests aren't complicated.
In fact, the game shows you where you need to go for each quest on your map.
The problem with leveling in WoW is that it takes a lot of time.
Which is natural since there is so much content and so many levels.
So the following tips are meant to help you save time, rather than helping you kill mobs faster.
- In order to be fast when leveling, you need mounts.
Or to be more exact, riding skills.
And those cost money.
If you don't have any other source of income, you should get Gathering skills only.
While they hold you back, you still need them to make additional gold to afford the flying skills at 60 and beyond.
Without Gathering skills, you won't make the needed amount by then.
- Pick the areas that have the most flat terrain.
At low levels, when you are mostly on foot and with ground-based mounts, having plains to move around is a lot faster than a forest or an area covered with hills.
You can forget all of this once you get flying mounts.
But until then, make sure you pick the right areas.
- If the class you are leveling isn't important to you, then I suggest making a Hunter or Paladin.
These classes level very nicely and have high utility in both PvE and PvP.
Especially the Paladin, which at the highest levels, can fill the role of a DPS, Tank or Healer in a group.
It all depends on which talent built you have on.
- When you get quests from NPCs, don't wait to read the text.
Not even the objectives, which are to the bottom of the window, for that matter.
Just right-click them and hit Accept.
You will see where you have to go for the quest on the map.
You can read what you have to do as you move towards that location.
- When you reach a new city, make sure you get all the quests available, minus the Elite ones, and do them.
See where they are and try to come up with a faster route to complete them.
Keep these tips in mind next time you start a new class, or go playing yours, and you should get things done faster.
A very important aspect in leveling is how you move in the game.
Move fast and don't linger and you should finish your Horde leveling routine pretty fast.
In fact, even if you are in search of faster Horde leveling routines, these tips will still help.
First I would like to say that leveling in World of Warcraft is not difficult.
The mobs die very easily, especially at low levels, and the quests aren't complicated.
In fact, the game shows you where you need to go for each quest on your map.
The problem with leveling in WoW is that it takes a lot of time.
Which is natural since there is so much content and so many levels.
So the following tips are meant to help you save time, rather than helping you kill mobs faster.
- In order to be fast when leveling, you need mounts.
Or to be more exact, riding skills.
And those cost money.
If you don't have any other source of income, you should get Gathering skills only.
While they hold you back, you still need them to make additional gold to afford the flying skills at 60 and beyond.
Without Gathering skills, you won't make the needed amount by then.
- Pick the areas that have the most flat terrain.
At low levels, when you are mostly on foot and with ground-based mounts, having plains to move around is a lot faster than a forest or an area covered with hills.
You can forget all of this once you get flying mounts.
But until then, make sure you pick the right areas.
- If the class you are leveling isn't important to you, then I suggest making a Hunter or Paladin.
These classes level very nicely and have high utility in both PvE and PvP.
Especially the Paladin, which at the highest levels, can fill the role of a DPS, Tank or Healer in a group.
It all depends on which talent built you have on.
- When you get quests from NPCs, don't wait to read the text.
Not even the objectives, which are to the bottom of the window, for that matter.
Just right-click them and hit Accept.
You will see where you have to go for the quest on the map.
You can read what you have to do as you move towards that location.
- When you reach a new city, make sure you get all the quests available, minus the Elite ones, and do them.
See where they are and try to come up with a faster route to complete them.
Keep these tips in mind next time you start a new class, or go playing yours, and you should get things done faster.
A very important aspect in leveling is how you move in the game.
Move fast and don't linger and you should finish your Horde leveling routine pretty fast.