Home & Garden Gardening

De-Thatch Your Lawn - Myth Or a Must?

Should you de-thatch your lawn to maintain a happy lawn? What is Thatch? Thatch is a layer of organic material which is sandwhiched between the grass and the soil plane.
If there is more than a 1/2 inch of thatch that is too much and is a breeding ground promoting disease and pests.
This condition makes it challenging for the grass roots to acquire the nutrients they need to grow.
If you are seeking the thick carpet feel under your feet, you need to get on your hands and knees, separate the grass and search for thatch.
If there is more than the 1/2" accumulation, it's no myth - you need to rid your lawn of this build up.
Here are the steps you need to follow: Step 1 - Use a de-thatching rake or a stiff garden rake.
This is hard work and you will sweat.
Step 2 - You should be able to see the soil after raking and de-thatching.
If you can not see the soil keep going.
If the soil is dry, water the lawn a day prior to de-thatching.
Step 3 - You can rent a quality power de-thatcher, be certain you know the proper way to operate it.
Step 4 - Start the de-thatching in the far corner of the yard so you can see how it operates prior to getting to the more public areas that your neighbors see.
Step 5 - Keep track of your de-thatching, the machine should go over an area only once, try not to scrape the top of the soil.
Step 6 - After all your hard work it is now time to rake the mess up with a leaf rake.
Your yard will look a little shabby for a short while, but in several weeks you will see the benefits of your hard work.
Warnings: 1) When using power tools and equipment, always understand how to safely operate the equipment.
2) Always think of Safety to start with, wear the proper clothing and shoes (long pants and fully covered shoes).
Always wear safety glasses!
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