Health & Medical Anti Aging

Turn Grey Away: Is It Yea or Nay?

Going grey is unstoppable, or at least that's how it's been until recently. Breakthrough research indicates that you no longer have to put up with toxic hair dyes, time-consuming natural remedies that work more or less, or other strategies that are meant to conceal this unpleasant sign of aging. All you need to do is pop a pill and your grey hair will go away. Is this cure for real or just a marketing hype? Read on to decide for yourself. But before we look into this revolutionary cure for grey hair, let's see why we go grey in the first place.

Why You Go Grey

Your hair color, just like the color of your skin, comes from a pigment called melanin, which is found in your hair follicles. Hair follicles enclose and protect the roots of your hair, helping it grow. As long as there's enough melanin, your hair will preserve its natural color. But as we age, the amount of melanin, like so many other substances and nutrients in our body decreases. When cells lose their ability to produce melanin, the hair strand gets drained of color, fading to grey.

To get a clearer picture about the greying process, we need to introduce another element: hydrogen peroxide. This is a byproduct that accompanies metabolism. Normally, younger organisms counteract the assault of hydrogen peroxide on hair cells with the help of an enzyme called catalase, which breaks it down into non-reactive molecules. But age, coupled with other factors, diminishes the amount of catalase in our bodies, which can no longer fight-off hydrogen peroxide. Long story short, hair turns grey as a result of the oxidative stress which is caused by the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicle. Eventually, hair bleaches out and you go grey.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

While we're young, we don't care much about grey hair, but when we hit thirty and notice the first grey hairs, something changes, and we start wondering how to turn grey away. The best approach to any problem is to prevent it. There are a few things you can do to prevent and postpone the onset of grey hair as much as possible.

Prevention starts with living a healthy life, which includes providing your hair with all the essential nutrients it needs to preserve its color. Because if hair discoloration is ultimately an imbalance which can be corrected with the right treatment, what can you do to stall the onset of grey hair?
Eat catalase rich foods, such as beef liver, carrots, and potatoes.
Start taking B complex vitamins to delay the greying process, and even reverse it. Vitamin B5, coupled with folic acid and vitamin B 12, revitalizes hair and turns grey away.
Include Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. So far you've probably heard that Omega-3 fatty acids lower your cholesterol levels, which is true. But along with many other health benefits, Omega-3 are also good for your hair. Studies show that they can boost melanocytes production, which is great news for your hair because these cells generate the melanin pigment. No melanin, no hair color. So, eat your fish, or if you're vegetarian, make sure you sprinkle your salads with flaxseeds and snack on walnuts.

But is that enough? It's necessary, but not sufficient.

Take Catalase Based Supplements

The pill we were talking about in the beginning of the article is not just another pill, but a powerful supplement which results from the conjoined effort of many researchers and scientists. Its formula is based on catalase, a protein which is able to reverse the greying process. These supplements are effective whether your hair is slightly or completely grey. They work by restoring the catalase levels in your body and preventing the oxidative stress which leads to hair discoloration.

Turn Grey Away with Get Away Grey

The catalase supplements in question are called Get Away Grey. This innovative product has been proven to make grey reversal an attainable goal. However, as with all goals, you need to show enough determination to get what you want. Turning grey away is a process which takes place in several stages. First, you need to take Get Away Grey for about twelve weeks before you can see your natural hair color emerging again from your follicles. Your grey hair is beyond repair, so you need to wait for new hair to grow. But hair grows relatively quickly, especially if you take proper care of it and start eliminating all potentially toxic hair care products, such as hair dyes and shampoos. As your natural hair grows, trim the grey locks, and continue taking Get Away Grey to maintain the grey hair reversal process.

Get Away Grey is absolutely positive that you'll be happy with your restored hair color. That is why they offer a 100% money back guarantee. To get your Get Away Grey supplements, visit today.
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