Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

The Sure Way To Put Penile Cancer Out Of Your Life

Penile cancer can become a life-threatening situation.
It can affect every man's sexuality to non-imaginable levels.
You should be well informed about what causes the malignant tumors of the penis and what the symptoms are.
Medics say that it is caused by cancer-producing effects of male secretions.
It boils down to cleanliness that is why all men should observe it at all times.
The dangerous secretions are trapped within the penis foreskin and if they are not cleaned out they encourage the growth of cancer cells.
Now you understand why scientists advocate for circumcision.
It improves hygiene in a great way.
To curb penile cancer, you have to maintain superior hygienic, sanitary conditions and perform circumcision.
All the same other causes of penile cancer are being studied especially the issue of human papilloma virus (HPV) which is associated with cervical cancer.
The study has shown that many patients with penile cancer have been found with antibodies of a particular type of pappiloma virus (HPV-16).
If the cancer is diagnosed early enough the better the therapy and the higher the chances of total recovery.
Men are supposed to pay close attention to their genitalia and be quick to act in case of any ulcer, irritation, discoloration, sore or even skin erosion that is noticeable on the foreskin.
This might be an allergic reaction, bacteria or fungal infection but you have to seek medical attention in case it is worse than this.
If the lesions refuse to respond to anti fungal or antibacterial creams and ointments it might be considered as malignant.
The most effective evaluation involves biopsy where the tissue is closely observed under a microscope.
It is important to treat precancerous or cancerous conditions with systematic and serious regular follow ups.
It is better for the penile cancer patients if the tumor appears on the skin surface.
The urologists recommends a topical cream that causes minimum side effects.
Otherwise if the lesion is big but still not bigger than pea-size, a local simple excision that continually shaves away abnormal layers of tissue is done till the normal tissue is attained.
The simple surgery performed might be a type of surgery known as the Moh's surgery.
These medical procedures ensure that the functionality of the penis is not essentially affected in any way.
These procedures are effective if the cancerous cells are detected early in their formation.
By this time the cancer has not spread to lymph nodes therefore they remain intact.
If the lesions are far much bigger, the only option is to remove groin lymph nodes.
A cure is achieved through chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.
Your post treatment state is directly dependent on the level of cancer in your body before it was diagnosed.
As the tumor becomes more advanced the treatment also becomes more debilitating.
Penile cancer is not directly contagious but the HPV found in cervical and penile cancers indicates that people should use protection during sexual intercourse to avoid contracting this sexually transmitted disease.
This is because if a person has penile cancer, then he has the HPV therefore unprotected sex is a great health threat.
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