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Lottery Myths Exposed

Lottery Myths Exposed

There are many myths surrounding lotteries and most of them that you hear are just that-myths. Perhaps the most commonly heard lottery myth is that you have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than you have of winning the lottery. While this may be partially true for mega jackpot lotteries like Powerball and Mega Millions many lottery games with smaller payouts have surprisingly good odds in favor of the player. Every year there are thousands of lottery players who have won prizes of $10,000 or more.

Many moralistically inclined and the self righteous claim that lotteries are a 'tax on the poor.' To be profitable lotteries must target those able to afford lottery tickets. Most lottery players have disposable income which enables them to play various lottery games. Lottery players are a varied lot and many wealthy people routinely play lottery games. In Ohio a millionaire won the lottery not once but twice.

Many people also like to claim that lotteries are some sort of 'stealth tax.' Again this is pure unmitigated hogwash! Taxes are compulsory and if you don't pay you go to jail. No one has ever been imprisoned for failing to purchase a lottery ticket. Playing the lottery is the individual's choice.

Lotteries cause compulsive gambling. This is probably one of the most ridiculous claims made against lotteries. This attitude about lotteries is rare in Europe but for some reason persists in the US. In the first place compulsive gamblers require constant action and lotteries do not fill that need for those with gambling problems. Lotteries do not cause gambling addiction and studies have shown that gambling addiction is not fed by lotteries. Most compulsive gamblers favor casino games and some online gambling. The online gaming industry has gone to great lengths to identify problem gamblers and many land based casinos bar problem gamblers.

Another big lottery myth is that only winners get any benefit from lotteries and winners are few. Most state lotteries benefit and fund a wide variety of government services. Most states use the greater part of lottery generated revenues for education including scholarships for economically disadvantaged students who would not be able to afford college or professional schools without financial help. Lottery generated revenues have also been used to fund infrastructure projects and programs for the disabled, blind and senior citizens.

There are probably other lottery myths but these are the most commonly heard. If you are a lottery player and someone tries to tell you these myths are true you will have some ready answers!
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