With more and more people looking for something to give them that extra edge when they are up to bat, shaved bats are finding their way into more ball parks than ever before. However; the cost of a shaved bat can vary depending on the quality of the job that is done on it. Thats right, there is high quality shaved bats and cheap home spun shaved bats and there is quite a difference between the two of them.
Use the Best
If you are going to take the risk of using a shaved bat in a game, why on earth would you chince on a cheap shaved bat? When you step up to the plate with your juiced bat you want it to deliver he full potential that a good quality shaved bat can. A good quality shaved bat can add as much as forty feet in distance to your hits.
Experience Counts
Before a bat is shaved it has to be rolled and this should be done by someone who is experienced at doing this. Its not something that you need a science degree to do, but at the same time, you want to have someone do it has done it for some time and has a good feel for it.
A Quality Job
Now, to shave the bat you really want someone with a higher level of expertise to do the job. Its a fairly delicate procedure when it is done right and it also requires some specialized machinery to do properly. A high quality saved bat is like a fine tuned instrument.
What you don't want, is a bat that someone has popped open and went at it with a barrel sander on the end of a drill extension. It may look OK with the naked eye, but the shaved sides of the bat will be uneven and won't deliver the "perfect" results that a professionally shaved, precision tuned rolled and shaved bat will.
Use the Best
If you are going to take the risk of using a shaved bat in a game, why on earth would you chince on a cheap shaved bat? When you step up to the plate with your juiced bat you want it to deliver he full potential that a good quality shaved bat can. A good quality shaved bat can add as much as forty feet in distance to your hits.
Experience Counts
Before a bat is shaved it has to be rolled and this should be done by someone who is experienced at doing this. Its not something that you need a science degree to do, but at the same time, you want to have someone do it has done it for some time and has a good feel for it.
A Quality Job
Now, to shave the bat you really want someone with a higher level of expertise to do the job. Its a fairly delicate procedure when it is done right and it also requires some specialized machinery to do properly. A high quality saved bat is like a fine tuned instrument.
What you don't want, is a bat that someone has popped open and went at it with a barrel sander on the end of a drill extension. It may look OK with the naked eye, but the shaved sides of the bat will be uneven and won't deliver the "perfect" results that a professionally shaved, precision tuned rolled and shaved bat will.