Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

The Divine Mind of Man"s Best Friend

Infinite Intelligence illumines and directs this animal.
He is a perfect idea in Divine Mind and is always in its right place.
He is living in the Now, knowing no past, living no anticipated future and he accepts his situation as it is presented with no malice or question.
He never questions intent and loves unconditionally.
In the medical and spiritual fields he is a healer for the sick and infirmed.
The medical community, especially those caring for the elderly, depends upon the healing energy of the dog and his kind nature to assist in making comfortable those persons living in their facilities.
Just his presence can light up a room and bring smiles to the faces that once held despair and loneliness.
In the field of security and police work he guards and defends our property, person, and freedom.
Tirelessly doing the job asked of him without complaint or burden.
Entering danger with no fear or apprehension, and returning from a job well done with pride in his accomplishments.
As man's best friend he is loyal to the end, showing an unconditional love and acceptance given to his master.
In this role he is most renown , for it is here that we see the unconditional love and loyalty only an animal well cared for and happy in his existence can exhume.
He is a teacher to all mankind of the basic principles of getting along on this earth plane.
Time and space have no meaning, and all is in harmony with this animal.
We train our dogs to obey and work hard, assisting us in our daily chores and guiding us through our lives and yet we don't pay attention to the behavior that is unique to each animal.
The personality, kindness and love emanating from these souls are truly remarkable.
Look into the eyes and see through the window of true spirituality.
The knowing that guides these animals through their daily lives I stand in awe of, for they seem to know when to go forward and when to sit back and just watch a situation unfold.
Not everyone enjoys the companionship of an animal, but for me he keeps me grounded and shows me what my priorities are each day and how to live in harmony with the world around me.
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