Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

RSD/ Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome aka CRPS/ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

RSD/ Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome aka CRPS/ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

This syndrome has changed names over 20 times through out history and is projected to again change names as more bio-mechanical information is discovered. Other names include: Post Sympathectomy Pain, Hyperpathic Pain, and Mimocausalgia, among many others.

This condition is a progressive neurological condition that can affect one extremity or all 4, and can go full body. It also can affect the immune system, skin, muscles, joints, and bones. The pain start in one area but spread to other areas of the body. The syndrome usually develops after a minor insult to the body, such as whiplash, sprain, broken bone, or following surgery and in a few cases, no precipitating insult can be identified. RSD/CRPS is characterized by constant burning pain at various levels by always present. Patients may also see excessive sweating, swelling, and sensitivity to touch. RSD can go into remission for a period of time and then reappear with a new injury. This most commonly occurs when it is treated within the first 9 months with appropriate care.

RSD has been categorized with two types, although both share the same signs and symptoms.
Type 1 - without nerve injury
Type 2 (formerly called Causalgia) - with nerve injury

Millions of people in the United States suffer from RSD. It affects woman 3 to 1 over men and it can occur at any age. According to Dr. Schwartzman, a leading doctor in the field of RSD treatment, RSD appears to involve a complex interaction among the sensory, motor, and autonomic nervous systems, and the immune system. The brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) which as control over these various processes is somehow changed as a result of an injury.

Early treatment is the key, Leading experts now believe that any invasive procedure or injury can cause the RSD to worsen or spread. Treatments such as spinal cord stimulators, pain pumps and sympathectomies are now considered contraindicated. As well application of ice to the affected areas is also not recommended.

Ketamine Infusions are believed to be the future standard treatment for RSD by top doctors in the field and have been very successful to date. There are not many doctors performing this procedure and wait lists are extremely long for the doctors who are successful with it. The protocol makes a difference, be sure to check with your doctor(s) prior to any treatments or medical intervention. Other treatment modalities include nerve blocks, massage, traction for upper extremity, proper posture, medications At this time, there is no cure, but the bio-mechanical mechanisms are now known and progress for a cure is underway. At this time the closest thing to a cure is Ketamine Infusions and hope.

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