Health & Medical Hearing

Sinusitis and Tinnitus - The Missing Link

The symptoms of tinnitus can be very annoying and for this condition there is no known cure.
There is no external sound to anyone else; it is only sounds of buzzing, beeping, ringing, whooshing, booming, popping and crackling in your head that you hear.
Certain medical problems can be the cause of tinnitus.
Congestion is usually the culprit when it comes to sinus ear ringing.
This happens when the Eustachian tubes become overwhelmed with mucous or polyps.
Sinus ear ringing is more apt to happen when the fluid in the ear become full.
There is no cure for tinnitus but we can find ways to ease the symptoms.
No one else can hear the sounds that you do.
When the echoing in your head becomes a problem, so does the ringing and buzzing.
They will appear more dramatic than they really are.
Consulting with your doctor may be your only hope for finding some way to deal with the annoying ringing.
If it is a sinus problem, it can be treated with surgery; however, this may only remove some of the problems but leave a bit of it behind, just not as severe.
There usually is a slight difference after you have had the surgery.
Medications may be the answer for what you need to help with your sinuses and they may make the tinnitus a little more bearable.
Surgery may be the first choice, but not always the best choice for everyone.
You may want to try nasal sprays and decongestants first to see if they work for you.
They can be habit forming so be careful when using them because some problems can become worse with overuse.
Not everyone will find relief no matter what medications or surgeries are used, but you can try to find a way to cope with these problems yourself.
Having these conditions to deal with on a daily basis can be scary.
You can often have more difficult tasks while dealing with sinus ringing ears.
Concentration and sleep may become things of the past.
If you get to the point to where you can't sleep it is only natural that your body wears down and you will start to feel depressed and anxiety will begin to kick in.
If you are looking for a way to find relief from how your tinnitus affects your life then you need to take certain steps.
You may want to set up a machine that makes sounds or buy some CD's that are soothing enough for you to get some much needed rest.
These sounds can cause distractions from the main problem at hand, namely the sinus ringing ears.
This isn't always something that will stay with you forever; it usually is a temporary problem that you can resolve fairly quickly.
It seems that your symptoms are more noticeable to you and this is in part due to the echo that you are hearing.
If this don't stop you can contact you doctor for further instruction.
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