There is a rash of new "Drug Detox Centers" showing up all over the country.
They usually promote their services by promising detoxification while you sleep, or, painless detox, or, "Three Day Detox!" Okay, I understand someone wanting to avoid the pain of withdrawal from powerful drugs.
There is a reason why addicts go to such great lengths to escape the agony of withdrawal symptoms.
I have been there.
But we need to put a name on what is being accomplished.
Detox? Detoxification of...
what? Not the body, that is for sure.
It takes longer than a few days to rid even just the blood stream of harmful toxic residues of drugs.
Then the fatty tissues and areas of the body with very low circulation take much longer, sometimes years to completely be cleansed.
And then what? After one of these three or even five day detoxification plans the addict returns home or wherever, to resume his or her life with very little if any change of mind about drugs.
They also are lacking any new skills with which to combat their addiction.
It can be quite an accomplishment for the addict to take no drugs for four or five days.
But in the bigger picture, nothing has really changed.
Real Detoxification Real detoxification must address the build up of toxic drug residues and even drugs themselves which have been buried deep in the tissues of the addicted person's body.
Real Rehabilitation When there are no more toxic residues left in the body, the addict is now truly detoxed.
Then it is time for real rehabilitation to begin.
Skills that were missing, abilities to deal with life drug-freemust be taught by the center and absorbed, understood and practiced by the recovering drug addict.
This takes time and patience on the part of the addict and the facility.
Important lessons are bring learned on many subjects.
And then, practice make perfect.
With the help of counselors, staff and fellow recovering addicts, these abilities are honed.
Only after complete detox AND real rehabilitation have been successfully completed can a person be considered finished with treatment and ready to go out and begin to rebuild their life.
They usually promote their services by promising detoxification while you sleep, or, painless detox, or, "Three Day Detox!" Okay, I understand someone wanting to avoid the pain of withdrawal from powerful drugs.
There is a reason why addicts go to such great lengths to escape the agony of withdrawal symptoms.
I have been there.
But we need to put a name on what is being accomplished.
Detox? Detoxification of...
what? Not the body, that is for sure.
It takes longer than a few days to rid even just the blood stream of harmful toxic residues of drugs.
Then the fatty tissues and areas of the body with very low circulation take much longer, sometimes years to completely be cleansed.
And then what? After one of these three or even five day detoxification plans the addict returns home or wherever, to resume his or her life with very little if any change of mind about drugs.
They also are lacking any new skills with which to combat their addiction.
It can be quite an accomplishment for the addict to take no drugs for four or five days.
But in the bigger picture, nothing has really changed.
Real Detoxification Real detoxification must address the build up of toxic drug residues and even drugs themselves which have been buried deep in the tissues of the addicted person's body.
Real Rehabilitation When there are no more toxic residues left in the body, the addict is now truly detoxed.
Then it is time for real rehabilitation to begin.
Skills that were missing, abilities to deal with life drug-freemust be taught by the center and absorbed, understood and practiced by the recovering drug addict.
This takes time and patience on the part of the addict and the facility.
Important lessons are bring learned on many subjects.
And then, practice make perfect.
With the help of counselors, staff and fellow recovering addicts, these abilities are honed.
Only after complete detox AND real rehabilitation have been successfully completed can a person be considered finished with treatment and ready to go out and begin to rebuild their life.