- Horse manure can be used to fertilize lawns and gardens by spreading the product on top of the soil. However, it will not be suitable as a fertilizer if it contains wood chips or sawdust (which are often used as bedding in stables).
- Because horse manure often contains wood chips or sawdust, composting the manure is a better option. You can compost manure by layering it with leaves and grass and turning it and watering it once a week. It will take up to six months for the compost to be ready to use.
- Since horse manure is soft, it can be used to mix with sand or dirt to soften the footing of a horse arena or pathway.
- If an area in a garden, pathway or arena is sinking, you can use horse manure as a filler to level the area. Place the manure in the hole, pack tightly and cover with dirt or sand.
- Farmers and gardeners might appreciate the use of horse manure on their land. They can use the manure in any of the above-mentioned ways, so if you have extra, donate the manure to locals.