I don't know about other girls, but I constantly struggle with acne and the urge to pop my blemishes.
Popping blemishes has been something I have turned to for over a year now, whenever I'm bored or stressed.
The problem is, my face scars, and the blemishes don't get any prettier by the morning.
The bigger problem is, spending my time in front of a mirror harming the body God gave me is not a part of my purpose in life.
So, what am I going to do? First, quit popping my blemishes.
Make a commitment.
Starting today (today? ugh, what am I getting myself into), I will not touch my blemishes.
I will wash my face, and dry it, and administer some repair lotion, and walk away from the mirror.
But am I really going to do this without an incentive? Of course not, I've tried before.
So, my incentive.
An hour's massage and a facial treatment! Sounds great to me.
Lastly, I must replace my blemish-popping behavior with an alternate activity.
Reading passages in the Bible that emphasize honoring the body as a gift and a holy temple of God? Seems like a no-brainer.
That'll be this week's alternate activity, anyway.
I'll change it up every week.
To sum, all those who have a weakness for popping blemishes, follow me in this plan: 40-Days of Blemish Healing 1) Recognize your weakness.
When and where do you pop and pinch your skin? Review your current behavior and write down the "normal" behavior towards which you are working.
2) Give yourself an incentive.
It's summer--you must have one item or service or vacation to crave.
Want a new bike, a spa day, or a weekend trip to a local resort? Or even something smaller, like a dinner at your favorite restaurant? Pledge to yourself a reward, to be redeemed after forty days of respecting and loving your body for the Lord.
3) Establish an alternative activity.
Sitting in front of the mirror popping one's blemishes takes time.
How are you going to replace that time? Well, first, discover why you pop your blemishes.
What does blemish-popping "do" for you? Relieve stress? Simply waste time? Choose a fun/productive activity to replace the time you would spend blemish-popping.
If you fear that one activity will not suffice as a distraction for forty days, choose a different activity each week.
4) Start the commitment, and recognize your success.
Don't give up if weakness takes over you one day.
Certainly don't try to start the forty day process again, or deny yourself of your incentive.
Continue on your plan to abstain from harming your skin.
Each day is a new day--one day does not define the next.
Believe it or not, your skin will heal.
God made it that way.
REMEMBER: God made you beautiful, not by society's standards, but by His standards.
He made you just the way you are, and He knew you would acquire every single blemish and scar you have today.
He still loves you, and He has great plans for you.
Those who see you through any outward blemish or scarring you have are people whom God has placed in your life, to show you that your body does not define you.
Your soul and spirit do.
Popping blemishes has been something I have turned to for over a year now, whenever I'm bored or stressed.
The problem is, my face scars, and the blemishes don't get any prettier by the morning.
The bigger problem is, spending my time in front of a mirror harming the body God gave me is not a part of my purpose in life.
So, what am I going to do? First, quit popping my blemishes.
Make a commitment.
Starting today (today? ugh, what am I getting myself into), I will not touch my blemishes.
I will wash my face, and dry it, and administer some repair lotion, and walk away from the mirror.
But am I really going to do this without an incentive? Of course not, I've tried before.
So, my incentive.
An hour's massage and a facial treatment! Sounds great to me.
Lastly, I must replace my blemish-popping behavior with an alternate activity.
Reading passages in the Bible that emphasize honoring the body as a gift and a holy temple of God? Seems like a no-brainer.
That'll be this week's alternate activity, anyway.
I'll change it up every week.
To sum, all those who have a weakness for popping blemishes, follow me in this plan: 40-Days of Blemish Healing 1) Recognize your weakness.
When and where do you pop and pinch your skin? Review your current behavior and write down the "normal" behavior towards which you are working.
2) Give yourself an incentive.
It's summer--you must have one item or service or vacation to crave.
Want a new bike, a spa day, or a weekend trip to a local resort? Or even something smaller, like a dinner at your favorite restaurant? Pledge to yourself a reward, to be redeemed after forty days of respecting and loving your body for the Lord.
3) Establish an alternative activity.
Sitting in front of the mirror popping one's blemishes takes time.
How are you going to replace that time? Well, first, discover why you pop your blemishes.
What does blemish-popping "do" for you? Relieve stress? Simply waste time? Choose a fun/productive activity to replace the time you would spend blemish-popping.
If you fear that one activity will not suffice as a distraction for forty days, choose a different activity each week.
4) Start the commitment, and recognize your success.
Don't give up if weakness takes over you one day.
Certainly don't try to start the forty day process again, or deny yourself of your incentive.
Continue on your plan to abstain from harming your skin.
Each day is a new day--one day does not define the next.
Believe it or not, your skin will heal.
God made it that way.
REMEMBER: God made you beautiful, not by society's standards, but by His standards.
He made you just the way you are, and He knew you would acquire every single blemish and scar you have today.
He still loves you, and He has great plans for you.
Those who see you through any outward blemish or scarring you have are people whom God has placed in your life, to show you that your body does not define you.
Your soul and spirit do.