Business & Finance: 2 Social Media Marketing Sites To Use In Your Online Business

2 Social Media Marketing Sites To Use In Your Online Business

Are you into social marketing? Many people are, but very few people actually know how to use it to get more new sales for their website. If you're considering using social marketing in your online business, then you will want to pay attention to today's lesson.

Business & Finance: How Twitter Works and How it Can Help Your Business

How Twitter Works and How it Can Help Your Business

If you're reading this, it's probably because you are trying to understand what the big deal is about Twitter. And you're probably wondering, "Can Twitter really help my business?"

Business & Finance: Social Bookmarking: The Advantages It Brings to Your Enterprise

Social Bookmarking: The Advantages It Brings to Your Enterprise

Social bookmarking is a great technique both of SEO and direct traffic. It is an effective social media tool to increase traffic and generate more sales. Social bookmarking has also evolved to be a popular and effective SEO tool because it facilitates the users to tag the websites with relevant keyw

Business & Finance: Use Hashtags Correctly

Use Hashtags Correctly

Hashtags are a great way to try drawing attention to general trends or insert your own content into the conversation. Learn how to use them effectively.

Business & Finance: Facebook - 'Instant Personalization' Is Not an Invasion of Privacy

Facebook - 'Instant Personalization' Is Not an Invasion of Privacy

There's a new feature in Facebook that came out about six months ago called 'Instant Personalization' that many people have posted WARNINGS against on their Facebook walls, saying that it is violating people's privacy, etc. etc. I thought I should write an article to talk about w

Business & Finance: Is Social the Next Search? How Social Media Will Redefine Everything

Is Social the Next Search? How Social Media Will Redefine Everything

It seems social is the next search and companies are looking at having more OSSO or on site social optimization. Social media will redefine how consumers find what they are looking for. It seems easier to rely on a friends advice these days to decide what to watch, read, play or buy online. This is

Business & Finance: Social Media: 5 Reasons It's Not Working for Your Business

Social Media: 5 Reasons It's Not Working for Your Business

So you've had to sign up for 2 more social media sites the past week in addition to your existing 3; you are now the king or queen of social media! Don't keep your hopes too high, this is not an assurance that your business is doing well in this online marketing scheme.

Business & Finance: Twitter, Facebook and Linked In, Oh My

Twitter, Facebook and Linked In, Oh My

These days, I imagine if Dorothy was lost in the internet jungle that is what she would be saying as she skipped down the yellow brick road trying to figure out social networking sites. Similar to a cocktail party or event, social networking is the act of meeting and engaging with people with one sl

Business & Finance: How to Get Followers on Twitter

How to Get Followers on Twitter

Twitter is one of the most visited and used sites online. It's also a great place to get free, targeted traffic to your website. The questions is how to get followers on Twitter?

Business & Finance: Marketing Aspects of Social Networking Websites

Marketing Aspects of Social Networking Websites

Of late internet business people and organizations have been reaping the benefits of social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter just to mention a few. The roles played by these sites have dramatically...

Business & Finance: Ten Business Blogging Tips From The Pros About Twitter Marketing

Ten Business Blogging Tips From The Pros About Twitter Marketing

Set yourself up for success and eliminate competition by knowing that through Twitter marketing you can take your business to the next level. Certain factors that one should consider while aiming high with Twitter marketing is that to achieve success, you should plan effectively, maintain crisp orga

Business & Finance: 10 Ways to Leverage Social Media to Grow Your Small Business

10 Ways to Leverage Social Media to Grow Your Small Business

Social Media is an incredibly hot topic at the moment and many small businesses are keen to jump on the bandwagon. But it's relatively new. So there is a danger that many small business owners could be adopting this strategy without really knowing what they are doing.

Business & Finance: The How of a LinkedIn Profile - How to Build a Great Profile

The How of a LinkedIn Profile - How to Build a Great Profile

Join the groups that your clients join. This allows you to understand the concerns of your customer base, and then you can provide solutions in the group discussion areas, which increases both your presence and your credibility.

Business & Finance: How to Brand Your Business Using Twitter

How to Brand Your Business Using Twitter

Twitter is a social media tool and you can easily brand your name or your business name with it. Here I will outline a few simple easy to follow ways in which you can brand your business using Twitter.

Business & Finance: Optimize Your Twitter Search by Using Hashtags

Optimize Your Twitter Search by Using Hashtags

The real purpose for including a hashtag is that they give you and other tweeters an easy way to search for a particular topic due to the fact that hashtags act as a kind of natural filter. Here is how to perform a hashtag search on the Advanced Search page.

Business & Finance: Getting Friendly With Your Clients: Making Social Media Work For You

Getting Friendly With Your Clients: Making Social Media Work For You

It probably goes without saying, but an essential component of any new online or brick-and-mortar business is a quality business plan that considers all relevant business variables. This means taking advantage of the newest and most advanced social media marketing techniques out there before they be