Business & Finance: Social Media Tips - 4 Top Tactics For Increasing Contacts and Online Influence

Social Media Tips - 4 Top Tactics For Increasing Contacts and Online Influence

Are you a small business with desires of growing big quickly? Using simple social media tips, techniques and strategies you can do it with relative ease. Here is an example of one of my small business coaching clients who followed some easy to follow practical advice I shared with them...

Business & Finance: Marketing on Twitter: Your Bio and Landing Page

Marketing on Twitter: Your Bio and Landing Page

Are you marketing on Twitter? The good news is that Twitter is easy to use; you can delegate tweeting to a staffer and go about your business. The bad news is that Twitter will be woefully ineffective if you don't pay attention to your setup.

Business & Finance: Facebook Culture - Understanding Social Networking in 2010

Facebook Culture - Understanding Social Networking in 2010

Social networking has been with us for a very long time. The caveman sitting with his fellow hunters in front of the fire and cooking and eating their latest kill was social networking. Going to the pub for a drink after work with your workmates is social networking. Just about activity that you do

Business & Finance: So What is Twitter Anyway?

So What is Twitter Anyway?

A short introduction to the newest craze Twitter. It is a social site where people can share short information with thousands of targeted followers with a single click!

Business & Finance: Building Your Network To Thousands!

Building Your Network To Thousands!

Do you want thousands of highly qualified people in your network? Of course you do! Do you have something to offer people that they really, truly want? That's the ticket right there. Keep in mind it's about giving people what they want, not what you think they need. You can give them what

Business & Finance: Getting Accustomed to the Twitter Environment

Getting Accustomed to the Twitter Environment

Especially for those of you who joined Twitter on your own, without any of your real-life friends or co-workers joining with you, being on Twitter may feel like being the new kid in school. You desperately want to fit it, to be a part of the experience, but you still feel left out.

Business & Finance: Twirting and Facecheating?

Twirting and Facecheating?

From the advent of e-mail, texting, IM and social networking sites, people have been moaning and fretting over the possibility of increased flirting, emotional affairs and - gasp! - sexual escapades.Does this reaction stem from an actual upswing in cheating, or from a suddenly more public and access

Business & Finance: How to Enhance Your Websites SEO Using Social Bookmarking Sites

How to Enhance Your Websites SEO Using Social Bookmarking Sites

Are you planning to come up with your own business website? With the advent of internet more and more people today are switching from their regular nine to five jobs to small online business because it is simple and does not involve high risk.

Business & Finance: How to Get More Leads Using Linkedin As a Social Media Tool

How to Get More Leads Using Linkedin As a Social Media Tool

LinkedIn, a popular social networking site helps us to keep in touch with our family, friends and colleagues. A few tech savvy companies have discovered the infinite potential of LinkedIn and have started using this social networking site to get more leads to strengthen their business and even widen

Business & Finance: Busting The Myths About LinkedIn

Busting The Myths About LinkedIn

Most people underestimate the power and value of LinkedIn. Some because they do not understand how it works. Others because they do not have the time to invest to see the results they desire. While others, have some myths about this marvelous people connecting technology. Let's debunk some of t

Business & Finance: Should I Join Facebook Or MySpace to Monitor My Teen?

Should I Join Facebook Or MySpace to Monitor My Teen?

I read an article recently suggesting that parents who did not have a Facebook or MySpace profile were missing the boat. It even went so far as to say that conscientious parents should be requiring their teens to "friend" them, which means they can have full access to each others' pro

Business & Finance: The Internet Brings an Unusual Aspect to Mentorship

The Internet Brings an Unusual Aspect to Mentorship

The internet has introduced an unusual aspect to mentorship. Typically, mentors have been thought of as the graybeards of a profession or a skill set. They have become mentors by being the pioneers who learned by trial and error or by long years of study and practice.

Business & Finance: Features of a Good Social Media Marketing Agency

Features of a Good Social Media Marketing Agency

Finding a good social media marketing agency is crucial for success in social media marketing. If you and your business haven't already delved into social media, now is the time to do so. A good social media marketing agency can help you accomplish the goals you set in that field.

Business & Finance: Why Do We Need a Social Media Manager For Social Media Networking?

Why Do We Need a Social Media Manager For Social Media Networking?

If you look around carefully, you will notice very few institutions or brands that are not benefitting from social media networking. Whether you are an established and reputed brand or just a start up, you can find ways to use this platform for your benefit. A wide variety of tools and regular updat

Business & Finance: Tips For Marketing Using Social Networks

Tips For Marketing Using Social Networks

Spreading the word about your brand has become a winning online marketing strategy with very little or no budget involved. The Challenges with social networking does not involve cost but rather coming up with a strategy on how to use it effectively.