Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Basics
The conjunctiva contains nerves and many small blood vessels. These blood vessels are fragile and may rupture or burst easily, resulting in a subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding under the conjunctiva).
The conjunctiva contains nerves and many small blood vessels. These blood vessels are fragile and may rupture or burst easily, resulting in a subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding under the conjunctiva).
If you don't like the tint in your glasses, it may be possible to remove the color. Glasses are tinted to provide protection from glare and bright light, or sometimes lightly tinted for cosmetic purposes. Depending on the material of the lens and the type of tint, you may be able to reduce or remove
Many people have to live with bad vision. Whether they were born with bad eyes or their eyes just worsened with age. Whatever the case may be you can learn the natural way towards better vision.
Lasik eye surgery can be expensive. Find out how you can lower the costs and still enjoy a successful operation.
The diversification of eyeglasses market will make people feel extremely happy in modern time. For people who often wear contact lenses and are not willing to wear prescription eyeglasses, the emergen
Ophthalmic manifestations associated with West Nile Virus are beginning to emerge, but what is the prognosis for patients infected with this relative newcomer to the world of infectious disease?
Most people today opt for monthly disposable contact lenses as against the rigid gas permeable lenses of the past. They have a number of advantages of the gas permeable ones including comfort and cost effectiveness.
How does a novel air-injection technique compare with a more traditional technique in locating the medial cut end of the lacerated canaliculus?
Are you in the market for some golf accessories to help you raise your game? There is be one accessory that you might have overlooked. Read on to find more ...
Progressive bifocal glasses are gaining popularity over traditional lined bifocals in part because they are more attractive. However, these two types of bifocals work differently, and that should be considered before deciding which is right for you.
When going for a professional eye examination, the very first thing which a patient should expect from the optician is for him to be asked about his history. Eye doctors need to know everything regarding your health; not just the eyes. This is because the eyes are connected to your nervous system an
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of contact lensese including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Mental strain is the culprit of all vision problems and ailments. If you can learn how to dispose of all mental strain in your life, your eyesight will definitely improve. Unfortunately, that is no ea
Eye floaters occur when the vitreous fluid of the eye begins to lose its jelly-like consistency with age, causing the microscopic fibers that dwell within to accumulate and float around the vitreous cavity. These fibers cast shadows on the retina, which give the appearance of floating objects within
So you're ready to free yourself from your dependence on glasses or contacts. What's the next step? Call a bunch of LASIK centers looking for the lowest price? Not so fast! This article will help you find the best option for a lifetime of great vision.
If you're looking for vision exercises to improve your eyesight, then you've come to the right place. Right here in this article, I'll be sharing 3 of the simplest, yet powerful, vision exercises. But before I go into the details, let me first explain why I'll only be talking abo
Your vision is impaired when your eye's refractive ability is inaccurate. It may be that your cornea is either too curved or not curved enough to refract the light probably.
DIABETES AND THE EYEDiabetic retinopathy is a potentially blinding complication of diabetes that damages the eyes retina. It affects 80 to 90%of all patients diagnosed with diabetes
Spectacles have for the longest time served as solutions for diminishing vision. However, there comes a time when they don't help much in improving the situation and a more sophisticated solution is needed for life to be enjoyed as it should. At this point, many people turn to medical and surgi
The diagnosis of Bitot's spots will be confirmed by an eye specialist oropthalmologist. Vitamin A status is measured by tests for retinol, with bloodserum retinol concentrations of 30-60 mg/dl considered in the normal range. Levels that fall below this range indicate Vitamin A deficiency.