If you're looking for vision exercises to improve your eyesight, then you've come to the right place.
Right here in this article, I'll be sharing 3 of the simplest, yet powerful, vision exercises.
But before I go into the details, let me first explain why I'll only be talking about 3 of them.
The first reason why is this: there are linking and space limitations.
So there's just no way I can talk about all of them right here in this article.
But more importantly, if you were to find out of ALL of them, it would overwhelm you! That's what happened to me and it made me want to quit! That's because I was suffering from information overload...
and I'm sure you'd too! So let's start with 3.
Let's take baby steps here.
And if you see results by doing them, you can check out more advanced vision exercises from the link below.
With that said, let's start with the nitty gritty.
Right here in this article, I'll be sharing 3 of the simplest, yet powerful, vision exercises.
But before I go into the details, let me first explain why I'll only be talking about 3 of them.
The first reason why is this: there are linking and space limitations.
So there's just no way I can talk about all of them right here in this article.
But more importantly, if you were to find out of ALL of them, it would overwhelm you! That's what happened to me and it made me want to quit! That's because I was suffering from information overload...
and I'm sure you'd too! So let's start with 3.
Let's take baby steps here.
And if you see results by doing them, you can check out more advanced vision exercises from the link below.
With that said, let's start with the nitty gritty.
- Focus.
Place two little stones approximately 25 cm apart and try to see one of them only.
If you're myopic, chances are you'd have a hard time focusing only on one of them (You'd see both of them).
Try to focus on one of them but remember to blink and take deep breaths. - Palming.
Place your palms on your eyes and close your eyes.
You shouldn't be able to see any light when you do this.
And when you palm, imagine about anything you like.
For example, I often imagine beautiful beaches or other majestic scenes, - This is not as much as an exercise than a habit.
But this is so important I have to mention it.
You have to significantly decrease the amount of time you wear your glasses...
or you eyesight will never improve even if you do all the vision exercises in the world! A cripple will never learn to walk if he never tried to walk without his crutches...
no matter how much physical therapy they go through.