Health & Medical: How to Get 20/20 Vision - What Is 20/20 Vision?

How to Get 20/20 Vision - What Is 20/20 Vision?

Every persons would love to discover the ways to get 20/20 vision, mainly persons in their late 30s that are beginning to encounter little shift in their vision. With the improvement in science, you can find operations providing options to give you a complete 20/20 vision. Before I go into details o

Health & Medical: Protecting Your Eyes While Wearing Contacts

Protecting Your Eyes While Wearing Contacts

The eyes are very delicate tissues that need proper care. While wearing and storing your contact lenses many concerns arise, such as ways to prevent infection or diseases that come from improper wear and care of contacts lenses. There are numerous products on the market that can assist you in the ma

Health & Medical: From Glasses to Contact Lenses - A Transition

From Glasses to Contact Lenses - A Transition

Do you have painful memories of being bullied in junior school because of your "dorky" spectacles? However, by now you have made a smooth transition from an awkward teenager into an attractive young adult. The only remnants of your past that you carry about with you are your glasses.

Health & Medical: Free Trial Contact Lenses - How To Get Free Colored Contact Lenses

Free Trial Contact Lenses - How To Get Free Colored Contact Lenses

Free trial contact lenses are an excellent way to experiment with contact lenses without spending a fortune.Whether an individual is trying to decide on colored contact lenses or trying to find a more comfortable brand, learning how to obtain and use a free trial of contact lenses can simplify the d

Health & Medical: Acuvue Advance Contacts For Astigmatism Correction

Acuvue Advance Contacts For Astigmatism Correction

Astigmatism has long been a difficult vision problem to correct. Solutions including, glasses, hard contacts and eventually soft lenses offered varying degrees of success in treating the issue. Acuvue advance contacts incorporate the best technology available and finally offer a very good solution.

Health & Medical: During Lasik Eye Surgery You Are Awake

During Lasik Eye Surgery You Are Awake

If you're like many you were just born with blurred vision, and have had to deal with the hassles of glasses or contacts for a time that is too long to remember.

Health & Medical: Vision Problems - A Solution Without Surgery?

Vision Problems - A Solution Without Surgery?

How to naturally restore your eyesight without the complications and expenses that eye surgery has. Why pay so much money for a chance to heal your eye condition, instead of simply doing it yourself in the comfort of your own home.

Health & Medical: Causes of Glaucoma - The Main Factor

Causes of Glaucoma - The Main Factor

Glaucoma is a disease that is harmful to the optic nerve, a progressive and irreversible loss of vision caused. Often, but not always, associated with increased fluid pressure in the eye.

Health & Medical: Puffy Eyes Treatment - Important Considerations

Puffy Eyes Treatment - Important Considerations

Some types of eye problems are minor and fleeting such as Puffy Eyes. Eye pain or redness and changes in your vision may be signs of a problem that requires medical attention...

Health & Medical: Posterior Vitreous Detachment-Topic Overview

Posterior Vitreous Detachment-Topic Overview

Many retinal detachments are associated with posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), a common condition in which the vitreous gel shrinks and separates from the retina.Posterior vitreous detachment usually results from normal, age-related changes in the vitreous gel. But PVD can also result from eye in

Health & Medical: Highlights of ASRS and EVRS 2006

Highlights of ASRS and EVRS 2006

The advent of anti-VEGF therapy has seen a flurry of activity in AMD and related disease. Dr. Matthew Benz reports on some of the highlights under review at the joint ASRS-EVRS 2006 meeting.

Health & Medical: Eye Wash Recipe

Eye Wash Recipe

Our eyes are important, and when they become swollen or irritated it can become a serious issue. Over-the-counter drops can be expensive and sometimes lead to further irritation, so here is a quick, easy recipe to help soothe irritated eyes and help remove dust and small particles.

Health & Medical: Difference Between Geriatric And Pediatric Eye Care

Difference Between Geriatric And Pediatric Eye Care

We at Glenmore Landing Vision Center provide Vision Care for the Whole Family. We accomplish this by assessing all aspects of vision, using new technology, and by providing quality eye wear in a fun and comfortable atmosphere. To schedule your appointment for Pediatric & Geriatric Eye Care Call our

Health & Medical: Glaucoma-Cause


Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that cause blindness by damaging the nerve cells located in the back of the eye (the optic nerve). In many cases this damage to the optic nerve is thought to be caused in part by increased pressure in the eye (intraocul