Health & Medical: How to Configure ANT for Weka

How to Configure ANT for Weka

The Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (Weka) is a suite of machine learning software developed in New Zealand. Weka is used for data analysis and prediction modeling and integrates into Java and C runtime environments. If you have Apache ANT installed on your computer, then it is very simpl

Health & Medical: How to Stop Menstrual Spotting

How to Stop Menstrual Spotting

Women are often met with discomfort or PMS-related issues around their time of the month, but when a menstrual cycle extends to times other than during a regular period, it can be a bit distressing. Menstrual spotting can occur for a variety of reasons. This condition is quite hard to diagnose, but

Health & Medical: Woodworking Safety Checklist

Woodworking Safety Checklist

Most woodworking machines operate by cutting or shearing. A woodworking safety checklist concentrates on safety and health hazards. Safety hazards include machine operation, material kickbacks, fire and electrical hazards. Health hazards in a woodworking environment include noise, vibration, wood du

Health & Medical: Homemade Mosquito Repellent With Listerine

Homemade Mosquito Repellent With Listerine

The female mosquito is the only mosquito that bites. They are attracted to the carbon dioxide, warmth, moisture and body odor emitted by humans or animals. She bites because she needs blood in order to lay eggs. Mosquito bites are itchy and uncomfortable. They may also carry illness such as West Ni

Health & Medical: What Is the Difference Between Trans Fat & Saturated Fat?

What Is the Difference Between Trans Fat & Saturated Fat?

Fat is a major source of energy and aids the body in absorbing vitamins. It's important for proper growth, development and keeping us healthy. But there are good fats and fats you should avoid. Saturated and trans fats are both unhealthy kinds of fats that can increase your risk of heart disease.

Health & Medical: Pearl Powder & Acne

Pearl Powder & Acne

Chinese pearl powder, made from ground pearls, is touted as an acne treatment that can be applied externally or taken internally.

Health & Medical: How to Treat Gum Disease (Gingivitis) Naturally with Herbal Remedies 2

How to Treat Gum Disease (Gingivitis) Naturally with Herbal Remedies 2

Gum disease, or gingivitis, is caused by bacteria between the tooth and gum that form a substance called plaque. Plaque causes inflammation of the gums and separation of the gums from the teeth, eventually resulting in loss of teeth. Symptoms of gingivitis are red, bleeding and swollen gums. Heal

Health & Medical: How to Cure ADD Symptoms Naturally

How to Cure ADD Symptoms Naturally

While there is no cure for ADD or ADHD, there are treatments that can significantly reduce or even cure ADD symptoms without side effects for some people. Using natural treatments to cure ADHD symptoms can allow you to avoid the side effects of pharmaceutical medications including weight loss or gai

Health & Medical: The Best Well-Kept Secret Herbs to Cure Depression

The Best Well-Kept Secret Herbs to Cure Depression

Depression is one of the most common psychological afflictions worldwide leading many psychologists and psychiatrists to refer to it as "the common cold" of mental health issues. The causes of depression are not only many but also confusing as they frequently influence each other to such a degree th

Health & Medical: What Foods Are Bad for Arthritis?

What Foods Are Bad for Arthritis?

Arthritis can be managed easier if you alter your diet to avoid foods that are bad for it. These foods aggravate the symptoms and make pain management more difficult. Avoid fried foods, sodium, Omega 6 foods, sodas and white flour products to help your arthritis.

Health & Medical: The Dangers of a High-Protein Diet

The Dangers of a High-Protein Diet

The Atkins Diet is an example of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that first became popular in 1970s. Celebrities and everyday people alike continue to use the diet in an attempt to shed extra weight. If you're thinking about trying one of these diets for yourself, you should be aware of some

Health & Medical: AA Pros & Cons

AA Pros & Cons

"Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism." This is the A.A. preamble, read at countless meetings. Challenges to the 12-step philosoph

Health & Medical: How to Apply for Food Stamps in Polk County, Florida

How to Apply for Food Stamps in Polk County, Florida

In order to qualify for food stamps, you must meet certain guidelines. The eligibility guidelines for Polk County, Florida, include proof of residency, income, citizenship, and identity. You must also provide verification of your income and expenses, assets and Social Security number. Polk County of

Health & Medical: Exercises to Reduce Breast Size at Home

Exercises to Reduce Breast Size at Home

The human breast is comprised mainly of glandular material and fatty tissue. Because there are no muscles in the breast, exercise by itself will neither enlarge nor reduce the size of the breasts. However, there are exercises that can strengthen and tone the pectoral muscles that support the breasts

Health & Medical: How to Store Bee Pollen

How to Store Bee Pollen

Humans use bee pollen as an energy-boosting, strength-increasing supplement and remedy for a variety of other conditions. Beekeepers store and use pollen as a protein source for bees. In nature, bees store their pollen in honeycomb cells, where it ferments with Lactobacilli and preserves the pollen

Health & Medical: How do I Get Motivated to Meet Set Goals?

How do I Get Motivated to Meet Set Goals?

Goals are an important part of getting things done whether you simply need to do the dishes or you're planning on building a house. However, sometime setting a goal isn't quite enough motivation to get started with your projects. A lack of motivation often leads to unfinished projects and unmet dead

Health & Medical: Holistic Remedies for Depression

Holistic Remedies for Depression

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depressive disorders affect an estimated 9.5 percent of adult Americans per year, or 20.9 million people. They are the leading cause of disability among men and women of all ages in the United States and worldwide. Fortunately, depression is trea

Health & Medical: Phyla and Classes of Acacia and Ants

Phyla and Classes of Acacia and Ants

Ants and acacia trees benefit from each other's existence. Acacia trees provide sweet excretions for ants to eat, and ants use the tree's thorns as nesting areas. Ants return the favor by attacking herbivorous invertebrates and vertebrates. The ants emit foul odors to ward off larger vertebrates. Th