Health & Medical: Memory Foam Mattress Accessories

Memory Foam Mattress Accessories

There are other things you can buy aside from the memory foam mattress. This article will talk about them so you can still get the same amount of comfort when you are at home, on the road or at work.

Health & Medical: Circadian Rhythm

Circadian Rhythm

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of circadian rhythm disorder, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Cures For Snoring - How to Get Rid of Snoring For Good

Cures For Snoring - How to Get Rid of Snoring For Good

Snoring happens when there is an obstruction in the airways, when you breathe, and while sleeping. It is a vibration in the respiratory organs, which results into sound. Some snoring sounds can be soft while others can be very heavy and nasty.

Health & Medical: Sleepwalking


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of sleepwalking, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

Health & Medical: Snore No More in 30 Days

Snore No More in 30 Days

Recent scientific studies have proven that snoring is the biggest reason why people lack the right amount of sleep. And without the right amount of sleep, we seriously and unnecessarily risk our health. Read on and see how to stop snoring in just 30 days.

Health & Medical: Stop Snoring Devices - Do They Really Work?

Stop Snoring Devices - Do They Really Work?

Do stop-snoring devices really work? The debate over whether or not you should invest your money and effort into curing your snoring problem with the aid of stop-snoring devices hinges upon the issue of achieving short-term relief versus long-term, long-lasting, or permanent relief from snoring. The

Health & Medical: Stay-Awake Drug Provigil: New Warnings

Stay-Awake Drug Provigil: New Warnings

The prescription stay-awake drug Provigil will get new warnings about life-threatening rash, other serious hypersensitivity reactions, and psychiatric symptoms.

Health & Medical: How to Fall Asleep Easily

How to Fall Asleep Easily

Using drugs is considered as one of the fastest ways to treat insomnia. However, if you know the side effects of drugs, you will not want to use them.

Health & Medical: How an Anti Snoring Chin Strap Works

How an Anti Snoring Chin Strap Works

Snoring is known as one of the most common sleeping problems among men and women around the world. While snoring interferes with the sleep quality of the snorer, it also hampers the sleep of the person who sleeps with the snorer. Snoring can be of different types and can be attributed to different r

Health & Medical: Child Bedwetting

Child Bedwetting

While bedwetting can be a symptom of an underlying disease, a large majority of children who wet the bed have no underlying disease that explains their bedwetting.

Health & Medical: Stop Snoring Exercises - Throat Exercises For Snoring

Stop Snoring Exercises - Throat Exercises For Snoring

Stop snoring exercises are a great way to curb that snoring habit naturally, with out having to have dangerous surgery. There are many exercises that you can do at home or even at work, that will help you stop snoring within a short amount of time. But remember, you do have to practice to make this

Health & Medical: Sleep Apnea Cures in Layman's Terms

Sleep Apnea Cures in Layman's Terms

Understanding sleep apnea cures is important in working with your doctor to get relief from this potentially life threating disorder. However, the various options can sometimes be clouded in a language all its own. Here's a quick overview to help you get the gist of your options.

Health & Medical: Spouses Suffer From Secondhand Snoring

Spouses Suffer From Secondhand Snoring

Those who kick, poke, and prod their spouses out of snoring have a good medical reason for doing so: The person snoring is making them lose at least one hour of sleep a night, according to research published in the October issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

Health & Medical: Buying Mattresses for Bad Backs

Buying Mattresses for Bad Backs

Whether due to a chronic condition, or the throes of a hard work day, nighttime back pain causes many sleepless nights for people. Several things can be done both during the day and at night to treat this ailment. Unknown to many, what is slept on can also cause back aches and pains.

Health & Medical: How to Overcome Terminal Insomnia

How to Overcome Terminal Insomnia

There are seventy million Americans that have sleeping disorders. If you are one of them, then this article will give you some tips on how to overcome terminal insomnia.

Health & Medical: What Causes Snoring and How to Stop It

What Causes Snoring and How to Stop It

While sleeping the throat muscles relax, the tongue falls backwards, and the throat becomes narrow and 'floppy', and as you breathe, the throat walls begin to vibrate that leads to the characteristic