Health & Medical: What are the Treatments for Allergic Rhinitis?

What are the Treatments for Allergic Rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever, affects over 50 million people in the United States, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Allergic rhinitis produces cold-like symptoms when you are exposed to allergens, such as pollens and grasses. Several treatment options

Health & Medical: The Importance of Reading The Side Effects of Allergy Medicine

The Importance of Reading The Side Effects of Allergy Medicine

With this year's allergy season being one of the worst in many years many people who have not previously suffered from allergies or those who had only suffered minor allergies are looking for allergy relief. Thankfully there are medications that can reduce or eliminate many allergy symptoms. Un

Health & Medical: Do it Yourself Asthma Cures

Do it Yourself Asthma Cures

When one is looking for a natural asthma cure for themselves or their children all natural asthma cures take center stage. Many home asthma cures are easier to obtain and can work better than asthma medications from the pharmacy as many asthma cures have been developed and tested over generations an

Health & Medical: How to Solve a Seasonal Allergy

How to Solve a Seasonal Allergy

They are results of airborne substances especially pollen that appear certain times in a year which cause itchy skin, runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. You could go for skin tests which could help identify the allergy trigger and certain nasal sprays such as antihistamines and decongestants coul

Health & Medical: Should You Use a Spacer With Your Inhaler?

Should You Use a Spacer With Your Inhaler?

If you use an inhaler, you may want to consider using a spacer with it. A spacer can decrease side effects and give you better relief than just using an inhaler alone.

Health & Medical: Don't Let Asthma Control You

Don't Let Asthma Control You

Some people say that asthma cannot be cured but can only be controlled. That is true if that is what you believe. I believe that asthma is not just an incurable disease; I believe it is a disease that affects millions of people for reasons most cannot even see but can be overcome.

Health & Medical: Manage Your Allergies With These Easy Steps

Manage Your Allergies With These Easy Steps

If you have allergies, you have to know that the allergy symptoms could be very dangerous for your health if they are not treated well. Allergies affect many people and can cause a lot of pain and frustration. Luckily, there are some natural options that you can use to treat allergies.

Health & Medical: Does Caffeine Help Asthma?

Does Caffeine Help Asthma?

Conflicting reports have emerged over the years regarding the use of caffeine to treat asthma. Since caffeine is chemically related to some chemicals used to treat the respiratory condition, and has been known to reduce some inflammation, research has been conducted on its efficacy in asthma. Older

Health & Medical: The Best Asthma Treatments

The Best Asthma Treatments

Asthma is defined as a chronic respiratory disorder characterized by the constriction and inflammation of the air way passages in the body. Bronchioles, which are the passages present in the lungs, are the most commonly affected regions by this condition. Asthma results in making the bronchioles ove

Health & Medical: What to Do for Chest Congestion Caused by Allergies

What to Do for Chest Congestion Caused by Allergies

When allergies strike, they usually cause itchy eyes and a stuffed-up nose. All this extra mucus can drain down into the chest, creating congestion. Chest congestion can set the lungs up for a secondary problem like an infection, so it is good to clear them as soon as possible.

Health & Medical: The Relation Between Asthma and Allergy

The Relation Between Asthma and Allergy

We all know what asthma is. For a revision, asthma is an inflammatory reaction of the airway that causes a series of symptoms. Those with a tendency to asthma can react to small and unknown reasons.

Health & Medical: Claritin Antihistamine

Claritin Antihistamine

Hay fever is one of the most common forms of allergies.It affects millions of people every summer.People who suffer from these seasonal allergies are generally allergic to pollen.

Health & Medical: Celiac Disease Diet - What Can I Or Can't I Eat?

Celiac Disease Diet - What Can I Or Can't I Eat?

Looking for the perfect celiac disease diet can be frightening, sorting through the maze of foods containing wheat or gluten seems overwhelming. But don't panic as we work through what you can and can't eat, it will end up being a minor adjustment to your diet.

Health & Medical: The Relationship Between Allergies, Air Cleaners and a Healthy Lifestyle

The Relationship Between Allergies, Air Cleaners and a Healthy Lifestyle

There is a definite link between allergies and a healthy lifestyle that in many cases can be improved upon by some type of air cleaner or air purifier system in the home or office.Many products are now available that address different allergens and their elimination and prevention.

Health & Medical: What Makes Us Understand That We're Allergic to Beer

What Makes Us Understand That We're Allergic to Beer

Adjutants used in the preparation of beer, and the metal boxes can cause severe allergic reactions. Learn the signs that reveal such problems. A night out with friends ended with a visit in the hospital for a student because of allergic reaction to beer.