Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Tell If You Need a Family Solicitor

How to Tell If You Need a Family Solicitor

Sometimes, as well as the support of our loved ones, we need to know our legal interests are being considered. Here are 10 scenarios when you may need legal support with a family-related issue.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Rights for Fathers in Las Vegas, Nevada

Rights for Fathers in Las Vegas, Nevada

A father's parental rights depend on whether he has established paternity of his child, and on any Nevada court orders regarding custody, visitation or support. The Clark County District Attorney's Office oversees paternity and child support enforcement for Las Vegas families through its Family Supp

Law & Legal & Attorney: Spousal Support & Divorce Law: Displaced Homemakers Rights

Spousal Support & Divorce Law: Displaced Homemakers Rights

In most states, spousal support (alimony) can be sought by the party to divorce who was dependent on her spouse's income during the course of the marriage. Displaced homemakers may have a better chance at receiving an award of spousal support. However, given the prevalence of two-income families, th

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Withdraw a Divorce Petition in Minnesota

How to Withdraw a Divorce Petition in Minnesota

It isn't unusual at all for a person who has filed for divorce to regret the action later, after his or her feelings have calmed down. In fact, studies prove that a majority of couples who do get divorced regret it down the road. If you're worried your divorce petition was filed too hastily, take co

Law & Legal & Attorney: Efficiency of Mediation Centers

Efficiency of Mediation Centers

Divorce laws are very strict in the country and the procedures are quite lengthy. It is widely seen that many mediators are able to handle many divorces cases easily by giving correct solution than when compared to the court of law when considering the case of uncontested divorce in Miami. This can

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is the Lowest Cost and Type of Divorce?

What Is the Lowest Cost and Type of Divorce?

These days, when going through a divorce, it's important to many to minimize cost. Many couples or individuals seek for ways to cut back on expenses during a divorce in search of the lowest cost divorce possible. While saving money is rarely a bad thing, ensuring that you are still protected an

Law & Legal & Attorney: County Divorce Records in Illinois

County Divorce Records in Illinois

In today's world, marriage is a legal process in all civilized countries. Needless to say, it's very much so in the US. As such, to end a marriage, it's befitting that another legal process is in order. As with marriage, records of divorce are maintained by the state department. In th

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Legal Definition of Separation from Service Employment

The Legal Definition of Separation from Service Employment

Separation from service, or discharge, is the act of leaving a career in the U.S. military. Though the term can be used to describe the end of any employer/employee relationship, federal law defines it as a military event. It relieves the soldier of any obligation, including reserve status.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Marriage & Property Rights

Marriage & Property Rights

The laws about property rights in a marriage vary in different states, but the states break down into two basic categories: those that have community property laws and those that do not. These state laws affect how the spouses can use or dispose of property during the marriage and how the property i

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Dispute Wireless Carrier Issues

How to Dispute Wireless Carrier Issues

A wireless contract, or wireless customer agreement, outlines the terms and conditions for using the telecommunication services of a mobile provider. Customers can find questions to many common answers pertaining to terms of service, early cancellation and termination fees, rate changes, how the se

Law & Legal & Attorney: Child Support Legal Services

Child Support Legal Services

Many single parents have to suffer with trying to support their children financially along with other responsibilities. Learn what to do for child support payments and enforcing the law to get the much deserved money for your kids.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Establishing Legal Paternity of Your Child

Establishing Legal Paternity of Your Child

As our society changes, more and more children are being born outside of wedlock. In fact, 40% of all women in the US are unmarried at the time they deliver their baby. But the old rules of society are still around.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Divorce Lawyer

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Divorce Lawyer

When going through a divorce, there will be a multitude of questions on your mind. There will be questions that go nowhere and then there will be questions that play a part in deciding whether or not you choose a lawyer to represent you. The questions that help you make a smarter choice in lawyers a

Law & Legal & Attorney: Divorce & No Appearance Rights in Washington State

Divorce & No Appearance Rights in Washington State

Obtaining a divorce, or dissolution of marriage as it referred to in Washington state, can be a difficult decision. But, if both parties consent and are willing to split possessions and debt without the assistance of the judge, it does not have to be expensive or require a court appearance.

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is a Party Wall Agreement?

What Is a Party Wall Agreement?

Party walls divide the two sides of a duplex or the connected walls of row houses or townhouses (some condominium buildings use structural party walls between units, too). Under the best conditions, a party wall simply provides extra insulation and sound dampening between two abutting buildings. Und

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Fill Out Divorce Papers in Florida

How to Fill Out Divorce Papers in Florida

If you are filing for divorce in the state of Florida, you need to make sure you meet all requirements. For instance, in Florida you must cite a reason for dissolving your marriage. This reason can be as general as irreconcilable differences. You or your spouse must also have lived in the state for

Law & Legal & Attorney: Hiring Divorce Attorneys

Hiring Divorce Attorneys

Separating from your spouse for whatever reason does not go without pages of paper work and an entire divorce process. Because the process is not as simple as each of you signing your name, most people will hire an attorney. There are many claims to consider when filing whether you are a couple with

Law & Legal & Attorney: The Four Most Important Qualities A Divorce Lawyer Must Possess

The Four Most Important Qualities A Divorce Lawyer Must Possess

Getting a divorce is never easy. Aside from the emotional anguish that both parties go through, there are also the legal processes that you have to deal with like spousal support, child custody and support, distribution of property and division of debt.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Georgia Divorce Laws for Military Personnel

Georgia Divorce Laws for Military Personnel

A divorce proceeding involving someone serving in the military is no different than a standard divorce. However, in Georgia there are laws in place to protect military service members due to the special circumstances of active duty. Once they are addressed, marital property is divided and...