Law & Legal & Attorney: Understand How to Shelter Capital Gains in Your Divorce Settlement

Understand How to Shelter Capital Gains in Your Divorce Settlement

If you have begun the process of filing for divorce or if you are contemplating a divorce, it is vital that you consider the potential tax ramifications and consult a financial expert as well as a divorce attorney. Preparing yourself with critical tax information ahead of time will allow you to unde

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Cope With Rage During a Divorce

How to Cope With Rage During a Divorce

When facing divorce proceedings, your emotions wear raw. Experiencing anger and even rage is common for many people involved in the termination of their marriage. At the heart of each divorce case are issues that impact your life in a very direct and personal manner. Dealing with finances, children

Law & Legal & Attorney: Why You Should Seek Legal Advice When Making a Prenuptial Agreement

Why You Should Seek Legal Advice When Making a Prenuptial Agreement

Prenuptial agreements are a contract between a couple ahead of marriage. And like all contracts you should seek legal advice when negotiating them. This article explains why you need specialist legal advice in considering a prenuptial agreement.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Waiver of Net Worth Statements in a Divorce

Waiver of Net Worth Statements in a Divorce

When you or your spouse files for divorce, one of the requirements is to provide discovery. Discovery includes all financial documents for a certain number of years, determined by your state's statutes. Financial documents include deeds, vehicle titles, liabilities, retirement account, bank statemen

Law & Legal & Attorney: Prenuptial Agreements 101

Prenuptial Agreements 101

Who could forget that 'Seinfeld' episode when George boldly asks his fiancee Susan to sign a prenuptial agreement? She cackled hysterically before famously declaring, "Yeah! Gimme the papers... I'll sign 'em!" as George sat that there embarrassed and stunned.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Mothers Divorce Rights in New York

Mothers Divorce Rights in New York

A New York mother and child spending time together.mother and child image by Andrejs Pidjass from Fotolia.comNew York law establishes specific rights for mothers in divorce cases in the state. The rights enumerated for mothers facing divorce proceedings cover issues ranging from custody...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Custody Laws in Stafford County, Virginia

Custody Laws in Stafford County, Virginia

Stafford County follows Virginia law regarding divorce and custody. In general, courts in Virginia act to protect the best interests of children during a divorce. If the parents can agree to a custody arrangement, the court usually accepts this agreement rather than imposing its own. In...

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Get Legally Separated From Your Husband

How to Get Legally Separated From Your Husband

When a wife decides to separate from her husband and is having trouble reaching an agreement on child custody, splitting of assets and dividing the bills, a legal separation may become necessary. A legal separation outlines the responsibility of each spouse and protects the wife from being held resp

Law & Legal & Attorney: Nova Scotia Custody Laws

Nova Scotia Custody Laws

Child custody laws protect children whose parent are divorcing.Children at lake shore image by Marzanna Syncerz from Fotolia.comWhen a mother and father divorce they must decide who will have custody of their children. In Nova Scotia, there are different types of custody and the parents...

Law & Legal & Attorney: Can a Spouse Move Out and Take the Kids Legally?

Can a Spouse Move Out and Take the Kids Legally?

When parents separate, the decisions they make have an impact on every member of the family. While it is in a child's best interests for parents to agree on issues relating to temporary custody and visitation prior to separation, this is not always possible. As a result, disagreements over who the c

Law & Legal & Attorney: Iranian Laws for Women

Iranian Laws for Women

iran imposes strict laws on womenIslam image by Berchtesgaden from Fotolia.comThe lives of women in Iran are heavily restricted and limited by many laws. Laws there prevent women from holding presidency, leadership positions, law, certain educational fields and certain inheritances....

Law & Legal & Attorney: Divorce and Financial Resolutions - The Process

Divorce and Financial Resolutions - The Process

With divorce rates on the rise again, most likely due to the financial pressures that most of us now live under, more and more people are not only facing the prospect of being divorced but the convoluted machinations of the divorce process itself. Often the two messiest and most contentious issues t

Law & Legal & Attorney: Divorce Requirements in Maryland

Divorce Requirements in Maryland

Since divorce law is not regulated by the federal government, each state has its own requirements that must be met. Being aware of these nuances can aid in minimizing the stress of the process.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Ways of Delaying Divorce

Ways of Delaying Divorce

When divorce is not mutually agreed on, one party may want to use delaying tactics to try and prolong the marriage. Sometimes this is done out of spite, but in other times there may be a genuine desire to save the marriage. In those cases, delaying tactics can be employed to stretch out the time bef

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to Get a Divorce if Married in Las Vegas, Nevada

How to Get a Divorce if Married in Las Vegas, Nevada

Many people enjoy getting married in Las Vegas, Nevada because it's quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive. No blood tests or waiting periods are required; so the conditions that you must meet to be married here are relatively few. Similarly, the rules for a Las Vegas divorce used to be just as len

Law & Legal & Attorney: How to File for Legal Separation in North Carolina

How to File for Legal Separation in North Carolina

In North Carolina, legal separation indicates that a married couple has been living in separate residences with the intent to continue to live apart. Separation may serve as a precursor to a legal divorce between and husband and wife. Couples can obtain legal divorce after one full year of legal sep

Law & Legal & Attorney: Same Sex Divorce

Same Sex Divorce

Although many states do not recognize the union of two individuals of the same sex into a marriage, many such couples do exist, and depending on their state and local jurisdiction, they can file for benefits for domestic partners, civil unions or possibly even get married. Also, such couples still r

Law & Legal & Attorney: What Is a Master Fee Protection Agreement?

What Is a Master Fee Protection Agreement?

When a contract is formed for the sale of something, as seller generally has enough coverage to ensure that the terms of the contract are upheld. However, a Master Fee Protection Agreement (MFPA) can also be constructed for added security for issuance of payment.

Law & Legal & Attorney: Do It Yourself Legal Separation

Do It Yourself Legal Separation

Legal separations are a way for a married couple to live apart without having to get a divorce. People who do not believe in divorce because of their religious or cultural beliefs often opt for a legal separation. If a couple has been living apart for a period of time, the physical separation marks