Law & Legal & Attorney Divorce & marriage Law

What Is the Lowest Cost and Type of Divorce?

These days, when going through a divorce, it's important to many to minimize cost.
Many couples or individuals seek for ways to cut back on expenses during a divorce in search of the lowest cost divorce possible.
While saving money is rarely a bad thing, ensuring that you are still protected and will not be greeted by unpleasant surprises down the road is just as important.
Saving money now only to end up losing money or spending more money down the road isn't exactly to pleasant trade-off.
Nevertheless, if you're looking to get divorced without breaking the bank, an uncontested divorce is oftentimes one of the cheapest ways to go about it.
Uncontested divorce is possible if both sides are able to reach an agreement on division of assets, child custody, visitation and support, spousal support, etc.
without one side contesting to the agreement.
The moment that the two sides cannot reach an agreement on a certain aspect of the agreement, it becomes a contested divorce.
No-fault divorces may be granted in cases of irreconcilable differences that make it impossible for the marriage to move forward.
If the divorce is uncontested and no-fault, it tends to move through the court system quicker and with fewer headaches than if the divorce is contested or one party is at fault for the failure of the marriage.
In California, there is a six-month waiting period from the service of process or an answer filed by the respondent before the divorce is final.
The state also offers a Summary Dissolution of Marriage, which is often called a simplified or special dissolution of marriage.
To qualify for this type of divorce, the couple must have been married for five or fewer years, have no children before or during the marriage, the wife cannot be pregnant, no adopted children, neither spouse may have an interest in real estate and community property may not be worth more than $25,000, excluding cars and car loans.
What's more, community obligations must be less than $5,000 and the partners must have a signed agreement regarding division of possessions and debts.
Finally, to qualify for this type of divorce, both parties have to sign a Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution of Marriage, wish to end the marriage due to irreconcilable differences and agree to the summary dissolution instead of the regular dissolution.
This type of divorce is simple and requires only a few steps to complete, although the six-month waiting period still applies.
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