A of people have misconceptions about acne. Since acne is taken loosely, few people try to dig the facts out. Here are 5 myths on the causes of acne:
Myth #1: Poor hygiene and/or dirty skin are the prime causes of acne.
But the truth is that, some special kind of bacteria within the skin creates acne. Since antibiotics are meant to treat bacterial infections, acne can be treated with proper dosage of antibiotics. And more importantly, not having enough cleanliness isn't the real cause behind acne breakouts. On the contrary, acne appears by excessive oil and/or too high chunk of dead-skin cells on your skin. These things block the skin pores and thus build up beneath your skin.
So if you manage to clean out your skin from underneath and take out all those harmful oil or debris, you know you have defeated the prime cause of acne. So what are the things that should be used for giving a thorough cleansing to your skin? Well experts differ in their opinion regarding this. But using a gentler cleanser might be enough for killing those acne bacteria as well as preventing breakouts. So be careful that you're staying away from rough cleansers/abrasives. In addition to that, scrubbing the skin too hard or washing off the face much too often might also irritate it and cause it to dry out. And since dry skin is one of the main cause of acne, it might get your acne worsened.
Myth #2: Chocolate and junk foods are the main villains!
This is untrue! For decades, human race has held this misconception. People thought that chocolate causes acne and other junk foods such as pizza, soda or even french fries were held responsible for acne problems. There have been numerous researches on this but no studies have yet supported these allegations. True, these foods really are not the best diet to go with, but they do not cause acne. And putting it straight, there's no such food in the world that can trigger acne on your skin.
But at the other side of the spectrum, taking healthy foods do help you get rid of acne and a fresher looking skin. And the reason behind this is pretty simple. Fruits, green vegetables and other healthy diets supply the essential nutrients for your body. This in tern improves the hormonal balances of your body, while improving its power to fight back all sorts of bacterial infections. Since different kinds of bacteria are involved in acne infections, the improved antibodies in your body can fight back those bacteria or acne better than before.
Myth #3: Acne will go away automatically and there's not need to take care of it.
True, acne appears when people are at their teen age. As they grow up and reach their twenties, the acne on the face tends to disappear like the setting sun. But not everybody is that lucky (though the lucky ones are the majority, fortunately). So having acne is not always about being a teenager. Be it teens or people who are well in their thirties, acne should be taken and treated seriously.
Myth #1: Poor hygiene and/or dirty skin are the prime causes of acne.
But the truth is that, some special kind of bacteria within the skin creates acne. Since antibiotics are meant to treat bacterial infections, acne can be treated with proper dosage of antibiotics. And more importantly, not having enough cleanliness isn't the real cause behind acne breakouts. On the contrary, acne appears by excessive oil and/or too high chunk of dead-skin cells on your skin. These things block the skin pores and thus build up beneath your skin.
So if you manage to clean out your skin from underneath and take out all those harmful oil or debris, you know you have defeated the prime cause of acne. So what are the things that should be used for giving a thorough cleansing to your skin? Well experts differ in their opinion regarding this. But using a gentler cleanser might be enough for killing those acne bacteria as well as preventing breakouts. So be careful that you're staying away from rough cleansers/abrasives. In addition to that, scrubbing the skin too hard or washing off the face much too often might also irritate it and cause it to dry out. And since dry skin is one of the main cause of acne, it might get your acne worsened.
Myth #2: Chocolate and junk foods are the main villains!
This is untrue! For decades, human race has held this misconception. People thought that chocolate causes acne and other junk foods such as pizza, soda or even french fries were held responsible for acne problems. There have been numerous researches on this but no studies have yet supported these allegations. True, these foods really are not the best diet to go with, but they do not cause acne. And putting it straight, there's no such food in the world that can trigger acne on your skin.
But at the other side of the spectrum, taking healthy foods do help you get rid of acne and a fresher looking skin. And the reason behind this is pretty simple. Fruits, green vegetables and other healthy diets supply the essential nutrients for your body. This in tern improves the hormonal balances of your body, while improving its power to fight back all sorts of bacterial infections. Since different kinds of bacteria are involved in acne infections, the improved antibodies in your body can fight back those bacteria or acne better than before.
Myth #3: Acne will go away automatically and there's not need to take care of it.
True, acne appears when people are at their teen age. As they grow up and reach their twenties, the acne on the face tends to disappear like the setting sun. But not everybody is that lucky (though the lucky ones are the majority, fortunately). So having acne is not always about being a teenager. Be it teens or people who are well in their thirties, acne should be taken and treated seriously.