If you gave most people a wish list for a city where they'd like to live, it would sound something like this: "I'd like a place that is intellectual and stimulating, that has nature and beautiful views, but that also has a fun night life and great activities.
I'd like somewhere that is big, but not too crowded and that is close to other big cities.
I'd like to live somewhere that has great real estate options and schools, that doesn't cost too much and that has interesting cultural options.
" And with that entire list, do you know what you'd be describing? Austin, Texas! For anyone who is thinking about relocating for a job or for a better family life, or for anyone who has their eyes set on retiring, Austin simply can't be beat.
Here, we offer the top 10 reasons that Austin rates right up there with the best cities in America.
Reason #10: Music Austin has been dubbed the Live Music Capital of the World.
It has more than 100 music venues and boasts fantastic entertainment options.
Venues populate every area of the city, and are especially plentiful along Sixth Street.
The public television show, Austin City Limits, regularly broadcasts the city's best performers for all to enjoy, whether they are at the show or in their living room.
Reason #9: Food Austin has a very mixed population, with approximately 30% Hispanic, 10% African American, 5% Asian, and most of the rest Caucasian.
This creates an interesting and varied palette for restaurants and grocery stores.
Reason #8: Austin Real Estate Austin is booming! As locations like California and New York become more crowded, and their economies become more precarious, people start to set their sites on smaller locations.
Austin is one of them.
Austin condos are booming, homes are being built, apartment buildings are sprouting up and more options abound each day.
With brand new and beautiful collections such as Barton Place and other Austin Texas condo options, this city becomes even more appealing.
Reason #7: Wide Open Spaces Austin includes a beautiful chain of lakes that runs through the Hill Country and through Austin.
This offers an incredible recreation source, not to mention a beautiful location to admire and enjoy.
In addition, Austin has over 175 parks and over 15,000 acres of wilderness and park land.
Reason #6: UT Any city with a world-class university offers cultural activities, intellectual pursuits and energy that a city without a university simply can't offer.
University of Texas, Austin breathes life into the city with sports, technology, research and action that can't be beat with any other source.
It also offers a network of alumni who remain in the city after university and contribute to the economic and intellectual vitality of the city.
Reason #5: Capital City As the capital of the state, Austin offers a vibrancy.
Whether the children are visiting the capital to learn about government, or you are simply admiring the attention-grabbing Capital building, you'll benefit from living in a city that has a front-seat to government activities.
Reason #4: Character Austin actually promotes a "Keep Austin Weird" movement, which supports small local businesses while discouraging big businesses and corporations from taking over.
This helps Austin to keep its unique character, and to ensure that small business owners are able to keep their businesses running.
Reason #3: Location, Location, Location Austin is within 200 miles of three of the 10 largest American cities (Dallas, San Antonio and Houston).
This means that you can enjoy living in the smaller city of Austin, while still enjoying all that the big cities have to offer.
You'll have quick access to International Airports, concerts, conferences, shopping and more, without having to fight crowds and deal with traffic inherent in a larger city on a daily basis.
Reason #2: Culture & Art Cultural opportunities in Austin abound.
The Blanton Museum of Art, UT's collection of art, the Zilker Metropolitan Park and others offer fantastic opportunities to admire art, sculptures, gardens and more.
Reason #1: An Emphasis on Going Green Austin boasts a nationally-recognized "green" program.
This program actually rewards Austin real estate projects, Austin condo owners and homeowners, and other residents when they build and outfit their homes and companies with energy-efficient supplies.
Austin understands that if its downtown Austin condos and country Austin homes are gentle to the planet, this will make a difference for Austin and for all of us! And did we forget to mention that the average annual temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and that there are approximately 300 days of sunshine a year?
I'd like somewhere that is big, but not too crowded and that is close to other big cities.
I'd like to live somewhere that has great real estate options and schools, that doesn't cost too much and that has interesting cultural options.
" And with that entire list, do you know what you'd be describing? Austin, Texas! For anyone who is thinking about relocating for a job or for a better family life, or for anyone who has their eyes set on retiring, Austin simply can't be beat.
Here, we offer the top 10 reasons that Austin rates right up there with the best cities in America.
Reason #10: Music Austin has been dubbed the Live Music Capital of the World.
It has more than 100 music venues and boasts fantastic entertainment options.
Venues populate every area of the city, and are especially plentiful along Sixth Street.
The public television show, Austin City Limits, regularly broadcasts the city's best performers for all to enjoy, whether they are at the show or in their living room.
Reason #9: Food Austin has a very mixed population, with approximately 30% Hispanic, 10% African American, 5% Asian, and most of the rest Caucasian.
This creates an interesting and varied palette for restaurants and grocery stores.
Reason #8: Austin Real Estate Austin is booming! As locations like California and New York become more crowded, and their economies become more precarious, people start to set their sites on smaller locations.
Austin is one of them.
Austin condos are booming, homes are being built, apartment buildings are sprouting up and more options abound each day.
With brand new and beautiful collections such as Barton Place and other Austin Texas condo options, this city becomes even more appealing.
Reason #7: Wide Open Spaces Austin includes a beautiful chain of lakes that runs through the Hill Country and through Austin.
This offers an incredible recreation source, not to mention a beautiful location to admire and enjoy.
In addition, Austin has over 175 parks and over 15,000 acres of wilderness and park land.
Reason #6: UT Any city with a world-class university offers cultural activities, intellectual pursuits and energy that a city without a university simply can't offer.
University of Texas, Austin breathes life into the city with sports, technology, research and action that can't be beat with any other source.
It also offers a network of alumni who remain in the city after university and contribute to the economic and intellectual vitality of the city.
Reason #5: Capital City As the capital of the state, Austin offers a vibrancy.
Whether the children are visiting the capital to learn about government, or you are simply admiring the attention-grabbing Capital building, you'll benefit from living in a city that has a front-seat to government activities.
Reason #4: Character Austin actually promotes a "Keep Austin Weird" movement, which supports small local businesses while discouraging big businesses and corporations from taking over.
This helps Austin to keep its unique character, and to ensure that small business owners are able to keep their businesses running.
Reason #3: Location, Location, Location Austin is within 200 miles of three of the 10 largest American cities (Dallas, San Antonio and Houston).
This means that you can enjoy living in the smaller city of Austin, while still enjoying all that the big cities have to offer.
You'll have quick access to International Airports, concerts, conferences, shopping and more, without having to fight crowds and deal with traffic inherent in a larger city on a daily basis.
Reason #2: Culture & Art Cultural opportunities in Austin abound.
The Blanton Museum of Art, UT's collection of art, the Zilker Metropolitan Park and others offer fantastic opportunities to admire art, sculptures, gardens and more.
Reason #1: An Emphasis on Going Green Austin boasts a nationally-recognized "green" program.
This program actually rewards Austin real estate projects, Austin condo owners and homeowners, and other residents when they build and outfit their homes and companies with energy-efficient supplies.
Austin understands that if its downtown Austin condos and country Austin homes are gentle to the planet, this will make a difference for Austin and for all of us! And did we forget to mention that the average annual temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and that there are approximately 300 days of sunshine a year?