You can learn how to get a bigger penis without pills or surgery.
First of all, pills simply don't work anyway.
So they are not even worth the cost, nor the time and energy.
They are mainly useless overpriced herbs that don't do anything for enlargement.
They heavily rely on the "placebo effect".
That is none of the actual ingredients do anything for size increase.
Secondly, surgery is way too risky and dangerous.
Who wants to have anyone surgically messing around with their penis? If it was a simple procedure that guaranteed safe and extremely effective results, then I could see why some may consider it.
But the procedure is not simple, and the results are very hit and miss.
Forget about surgery, it personally just gives me the chills thinking about it.
So, how can you learn how to get a bigger penis without pills or surgery? You can learn an all natural method involving legitimate exercises using only your hands; no pumps or contraptions, just safe, natural massaging motions you perform with your own two hands.
This method is not only the most effective for how to get a bigger penis without pills or surgery, but it is also fairly simple to do.
Basically you perform repeated massaging, or milking, motions on your penis with your hands for about 10 minutes a day.
After a few weeks you should notice slight increases in size, both in length and girth.
And then, if you stick with the exercises, over the next several weeks, major size gain is experienced.
Typically men experienc noticeable permanent size increase from enlarging exercises.
You don't have to keep exercising after you make the gains you want.
Unless of course you want to get even bigger, you can continue the exercises.
First of all, pills simply don't work anyway.
So they are not even worth the cost, nor the time and energy.
They are mainly useless overpriced herbs that don't do anything for enlargement.
They heavily rely on the "placebo effect".
That is none of the actual ingredients do anything for size increase.
Secondly, surgery is way too risky and dangerous.
Who wants to have anyone surgically messing around with their penis? If it was a simple procedure that guaranteed safe and extremely effective results, then I could see why some may consider it.
But the procedure is not simple, and the results are very hit and miss.
Forget about surgery, it personally just gives me the chills thinking about it.
So, how can you learn how to get a bigger penis without pills or surgery? You can learn an all natural method involving legitimate exercises using only your hands; no pumps or contraptions, just safe, natural massaging motions you perform with your own two hands.
This method is not only the most effective for how to get a bigger penis without pills or surgery, but it is also fairly simple to do.
Basically you perform repeated massaging, or milking, motions on your penis with your hands for about 10 minutes a day.
After a few weeks you should notice slight increases in size, both in length and girth.
And then, if you stick with the exercises, over the next several weeks, major size gain is experienced.
Typically men experienc noticeable permanent size increase from enlarging exercises.
You don't have to keep exercising after you make the gains you want.
Unless of course you want to get even bigger, you can continue the exercises.