Health & Medical Nutrition

Facts About Acid Alkaline Foods For Weight, Energy And Health

Learn the advantages of incorporating acid alkaline foods into your daily diet.
Acid alkaline foods can counteract many of the disrupting influences on our bodies which are created by an unhealthy modern diet.
Scientific studies are now suggesting that an unbalanced acid diet can cause bone and muscle loss, a loss in energy levels and even an increase in weight.
Other symptoms can also lead to an increase in colds and flu, yeast infections and a general feeling of lethargy.
In studies it has been proven that the body performs better with slightly more alkaline than acid, and that our bodies function at their very best within a narrow pH range.
Acid is normally expelled from the body by breathing, sweating and through your kidneys.
Western diets are normally quite high in acid due to our reliance on convenience foods and this can overpower our normal mechanisms for expelling acid leading to a buildup.
By testing our urine using pH strips, we can see if our bodies are in the healthy pH range of 6.
Most Westerners tend to eat too much meat, processed grains, dairy, sugar and artificial food additives but other factors also cause problems.
Tobacco, alcohol, air pollution and stress can further add to the bodies acidity.
Fortunately there are ways to improve our pH balance by simple adjustments in our daily diet by eating a less processed, healthier balance.
Eating a higher percentage of alkaline rich foods will lead to quite dramatic changes in the body and improved well-being.
Studies suggest that the main part of your diet should consist of salads, vegetables, lots of raw foods, healthy nuts and oil and plenty of pure water.
Good Alkaline Rich Foods Examples of alkaline rich foods are broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, peas and carrots.
Certain fruits include avocado, grapefruit, rhubarb and tomato's.
Lentils, almonds and some sprouted seeds add to an improved balance.
Caffeine drinks should be reduced and replaced with fresh vegetable drinks, pure water, herbal teas and unsweetened soya milk.
Acid Rich Foods to Reduce Foods to reduce in your daily diet include most meats, many forms of fruit, dairy products and oils other than olive oil.
Fruit juices and alcohol will add to the acid in your body as will grain based products such as bread and pasta.
Convenience foods containing many food additives such as sweets, instant meals and canned products are best avoided.
These food items are just an example of what should be changed, but by returning to a unprocessed diet we can have a direct beneficial effect on our well-being.
It is a fascinating fact that the European diet was at it's healthiest over recent decades during the Second World War.
When rationing was introduced, only the basic healthier foods were available and people were more reliant on vegetables than we are used to now.
A Healthier Future Balancing Acid Alkaline Foods Increasing our awareness of acid alkaline foods will help to reverse the last couple of decades which have seen a massive increase in sugar and processed foods.
The average person is getting fatter and more lethargic leading to further problems in a never ending spiral.
The human body has the ability to evolve, but the recent changes to our diets have happened too quickly.
By returning to a more basic diet followed by our ancient ancestors and eating natural, whole and organic foods we can incorporate acid alkaline foods in a balanced, healthier way.
The old saying of 'we are what we eat' has never been more relevant in today's society.
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