There are many different things that you can make with stained glass.
You can make beautiful windows, lampshades, clocks and even jewelery boxes.
You can make almost anything.
Stained glass has been around for hundreds of years.
They got their popularity from being in churches.
It is a very old type of art that simply puts different colors of glass into various shapes, sizes and colors.
There are also different textures of glass that you can put into your art piece.
There is opalescent glass, wispy glass and translucent glass.
They all produce a different affect.
There are also types of glass that are considered to be privacy.
This type of glass is great for making windows.
This style of glass takes a lot of time and patients to do.
You have to cut each individual piece of glass and put them together using a special kind of foil.
Stained glass does not come already cut for you.
The pattern, or form, that you pick out will show you how many pieces of glass you need and you will need to cut each individual piece according to that pattern.
You can get forms for lampshades in any size and style you choose.
Most styles will be Tiffany inspired shades.
You can purchase stained glass and forms from any specialty store.
Before you start to build with stained glass, be sure to talk to an expert about the do's and don'ts of making stained glass.
It is an art form that takes time and dedication to produce.
You can make many different pieces with lots of colors, sizes and textures to choose from.
Always remember that if you are new to making these beautiful pieces, be sure to consult a professional.
They will be able to give you tips and tricks about stained glass.
They are also timeless pieces that can be handed down for generations and become a part of your families history.
You can make beautiful windows, lampshades, clocks and even jewelery boxes.
You can make almost anything.
Stained glass has been around for hundreds of years.
They got their popularity from being in churches.
It is a very old type of art that simply puts different colors of glass into various shapes, sizes and colors.
There are also different textures of glass that you can put into your art piece.
There is opalescent glass, wispy glass and translucent glass.
They all produce a different affect.
There are also types of glass that are considered to be privacy.
This type of glass is great for making windows.
This style of glass takes a lot of time and patients to do.
You have to cut each individual piece of glass and put them together using a special kind of foil.
Stained glass does not come already cut for you.
The pattern, or form, that you pick out will show you how many pieces of glass you need and you will need to cut each individual piece according to that pattern.
You can get forms for lampshades in any size and style you choose.
Most styles will be Tiffany inspired shades.
You can purchase stained glass and forms from any specialty store.
Before you start to build with stained glass, be sure to talk to an expert about the do's and don'ts of making stained glass.
It is an art form that takes time and dedication to produce.
You can make many different pieces with lots of colors, sizes and textures to choose from.
Always remember that if you are new to making these beautiful pieces, be sure to consult a professional.
They will be able to give you tips and tricks about stained glass.
They are also timeless pieces that can be handed down for generations and become a part of your families history.