Health & Medical Medicine

7 Way To Healing Eczema Naturally

A strong immune system is crucial to healing eczema. The important key to a strong immune system is through a healthy diet. This basic information regarding the importance of a nutritious diet is something that each dermatologist or physician should discuss with their eczema patients. It's not that the body needs to be medicated; but rather, that it needs to be fed the nutrients for which it is deficient.

There are many herbs that offer natural cures for eczema. Goldenseal root, pau d'arco, tea tree oil, chamomile, comfrey, camphor, nutmeg, sandalwood and blueberry leaves are among the herbs that provide natural eczema cures. Zinc, flaxseed, vitamin E, evening primrose oil and shark cartilage are also beneficial in reversing the effects of eczema.
Chinese herbs that offer natural eczema cures include chan tui, ku shen, shi gao, fang feng and gan cao.

As with any other treatment water is a significant factor to help maintain the bodys balance. Cold water therapy helps reduce the severity of the symptoms. It also helps relax the skin. Fruit juices also helps treat eczema since they contain essential nutrients the body needs overall.

Also try to avoid fragrances and detergents while suffering from eczema, these can react very badly causing a quick spread of the disease. My recommendation is to wear cotton clothes all the time, cotton is a very soft and itchy free material and it will drastically alleviate the annoying symptoms caused by eczema: itchiness, irritation, inflammation and redness.

The next major component of a healing protocol for eczema is leafy green vegetables. Leafy green vegetables are nature's best source of macro minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron. Trace minerals and chlorophyll also contribute to the nutritional profile and play a large role in healing your skin.

Did you know something as simple as taking a lot of fiber rich foods will greatly improve your skin conditions? You can also try to avoid fatty foods lie dairy products as well as acidic foods. These simple tips really give amazing result in alleviating the problem.

Take one cup of oatmeal and put it in a coffee grinder or blender until it resembles a powdery consistency. Prepare a warm bath, pour the oatmeal into the water, and lay in the water for 20-45 minutes. Oatmeal baths have been sworn by many to help reduce and eliminate Eczema. They have have also shown to be effective in relieving countless other skin conditions such as; Chicken Pox, dry skin , sun burn, and shingles.
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