Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Earn Cash De-Cluttering Your Home

The average American home has over $2,500 worth of "stuff" that is not being used and is just taking up space, according to a report by NBC.
Your home might be one of them! You will make some extra money, de-clutter your home and help someone out that wants what you have.
Plus it's great for our planet when we re-distribute old items instead manufacturing new items and throwing the old ones in our landfills.
Start by simply walking through your house with a laundry basket.
Fill the basket with items that you are no longer using or don't like.
Remember, everything in your home should be either useful or something you love.
Now that you have done some de-cluttering you can use eBay and CraigsList to sell your items for some quick and easy extra cash.
If you are new to selling old things, start with CraigsList, it's free and simple.
5 tips to make it easy: #1 -- Your title is crucial.
You want to have as many keywords in it as possible and use all of the characters they allow you.
For example, if you are selling stereo equipment, your title may be: Stereo Equipment, 5-CD Changer, Receiver & Speakers.
#2 -- Re-post your listing every 3-5 days (CraigsList only, not eBay).
Ads get posted in date order and by day 3 your ad is usually buried several pages down.
#3 -- ALWAYS include a photo, preferably a few photos.
There are no exceptions to this rule.
People want to see before they buy, no matter what.
#4 -- Describe your item in depth.
This accomplishes two things, it saves you time from answering questions about your item and your item will more likely sell faster.
In most cases you should give the dimensions of your item, especially if it's furniture.
Even things like speakers people like to know the dimensions.
Maybe they need it to fit on their bookcase or in their entertainment center.
If you don't check your email a few times a day, include your phone number.
#5 -- Because eBay costs money to list your items and requires a little know-how, start with CraigsList.
An added benefit with CraigsList is that you get to meet new cool local people.
I have friends and clients that I have met through buying and selling on CraigsList.
I have even heard of people meeting their spouses from a sale of an unwanted item!
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