- 1). You can get an estimate of your expenses for gas using the old-fashioned pen and paper method. You'll need the number of miles to your destination, the average price of gas per gallon along the way, and the MPG of your vehicle. Divide the number of miles by the MPG, then multiply that amount by the average price for a gallon of gas.
Miles to be traveled: 250
Miles per gallon(MPG): 25
Equals: 10 gallons
Avg. fuel price: $2.50
Cost of your trip: $25.00 - 2). Calculate your gas costs using the online calculator at www.Moblu.ca. Put in your address (you can use zip code only or even city/state) and the area you are driving to. Now select the year/model/make of your vehicle. Click on 'Get directions and calculate my impact'.
You'll get a trip summary which includes: fuel cost, fuel used, distance traveled, and even the amount of carbon impact your trip will produce. Also shown is the Google map highlighting your destination, and turn-by-turn directions.
Note: While this is a Canadian website, costs are available in U.S. are Canadian dollars. - 3). Try the Auto Club Association's (AAA) fuel calculator at www.fuelcostcalculator.com. Select the city/state from their drop-down list that is closest to both your starting and ending points within the U.S. Then select the year/make/model of your car. If your particular car isn't listed, you can also manually type in the MPG. Your calculated results are shown for both one-way and round-trips.