How to rule the world - Join me Now! Social Media Opportunity
It has already happen the world has changed overnight, well not overnight but in a really short span of time we have taken hold of all this new technology and we have made it our own. Except, we the people have been left out of the most important part of all this technology, like social media and all that. What part of the social crazy have we been left out of you say - Oh, I tweet, I Facebook, I have a blog and I do all the social things... But do you get PAID?
You put of cute kitten picks, embarrassing photos of friends, you even share personal information with total strangers - you know you do. But with all the twittering, Facebook posting, Pinterest, Instagram and all that who is rolling in the dough (money) and who is feeding the cash cow? Think about it, keep thinking, and let me know when you figure it out...
You, me and millions like us are feeding the cash cow that makes millions and even billions of dollars for people we don't even like - that's right I am talking to you Mark Zuckerburg (yes I did spelled his name wrong on purpose).
I can't change the world, no one can, it has already been set in stone - but we don't have to lie down and take it (stop bending over and taking it in the €¦ rear). JOIN ME @INDIAsocial1 - yes come join me, YOU and I can create something special, something wonderful, something spectacular. And using the system already created by the almighty social media guru's - we, You and I can benefit from the monster we feed each day.
Look I may be crazy for thinking this but together you and I and a lot more people, banning together, with one voice, we can take it, we can make it and we can even profit from it. I was reading how one Australian 15 year old boy is making $50,000 dollars a month - WT? That is crazy, but it was proven to be accurate - so why not us. Why not create something that benefits all of us, you, me, and everyone who join - a 'TRUE' social community. All we have to do is build it. I have some ideas, I have something in place but I need you, we need each other, YOU and me, and others like us can make thins happen: it starts with you simply joining in - follow me: @INDIAsocial1.
What's the worst that can happen, you join, tweet, see some funny pics, jokes and meet new people. The best thing to happen is that we create a 1 million following and we hit the jack pot €¦ we all share in the wealth. What do you say - only a minute of your time - come on, follow me, join me and lets YOU and me RULE THE WORLD.
It has already happen the world has changed overnight, well not overnight but in a really short span of time we have taken hold of all this new technology and we have made it our own. Except, we the people have been left out of the most important part of all this technology, like social media and all that. What part of the social crazy have we been left out of you say - Oh, I tweet, I Facebook, I have a blog and I do all the social things... But do you get PAID?
You put of cute kitten picks, embarrassing photos of friends, you even share personal information with total strangers - you know you do. But with all the twittering, Facebook posting, Pinterest, Instagram and all that who is rolling in the dough (money) and who is feeding the cash cow? Think about it, keep thinking, and let me know when you figure it out...
You, me and millions like us are feeding the cash cow that makes millions and even billions of dollars for people we don't even like - that's right I am talking to you Mark Zuckerburg (yes I did spelled his name wrong on purpose).
I can't change the world, no one can, it has already been set in stone - but we don't have to lie down and take it (stop bending over and taking it in the €¦ rear). JOIN ME @INDIAsocial1 - yes come join me, YOU and I can create something special, something wonderful, something spectacular. And using the system already created by the almighty social media guru's - we, You and I can benefit from the monster we feed each day.
Look I may be crazy for thinking this but together you and I and a lot more people, banning together, with one voice, we can take it, we can make it and we can even profit from it. I was reading how one Australian 15 year old boy is making $50,000 dollars a month - WT? That is crazy, but it was proven to be accurate - so why not us. Why not create something that benefits all of us, you, me, and everyone who join - a 'TRUE' social community. All we have to do is build it. I have some ideas, I have something in place but I need you, we need each other, YOU and me, and others like us can make thins happen: it starts with you simply joining in - follow me: @INDIAsocial1.
What's the worst that can happen, you join, tweet, see some funny pics, jokes and meet new people. The best thing to happen is that we create a 1 million following and we hit the jack pot €¦ we all share in the wealth. What do you say - only a minute of your time - come on, follow me, join me and lets YOU and me RULE THE WORLD.