You have graduated med school. You have done everything that you are supposed to. When it comes to finding a permanent position, it may be extremely difficult to locate an opportunity that you are excited about. Locum tenens is a great way to find work within the medical community because you will act as a substitute for physicians and other medical staff that are currently away on leave.
As a locum tenens, you can fill in for the position for weeks, months, or even longer. Physicians take leave for any number of reasons. Some will go on leave in order to attend college, teacher course at the local university, or even travel abroad with programs such as Doctors Without Borders. This is your opportunity to step in and become employed without waiting for an actual €open€ position available. Especially if you aren't sure what facility you want to work in or are not sure you want to stay in a particular city, this is an opportunity that you may wish to explore.
When you are looking for locum tenens positions, you can use a company to help you locate the open positions. These companies are hired by the local medical facilities to fill their positions. When you wish to interview for one of the positions, you are interviewing with the staffing company. They have been trusted to do all of the interviewing for the medical facility to narrow down all of the potential applicants. This allows the medical facility to only interview the final few in order to make an ultimate hiring decision for the short term position.
If you were to try and find a position on your own within the medical community, you could spend a significant amount of time looking for available positions, filling out applications, and interviewing. By choosing a staffing company that specializes in locum tenens, you can submit one resume and have one interview. This means that you are likely going to find a job much faster. Plus, you want to consider the fact that many locum tenens positions turn into full-time work because the medical facility is happy with performance.
In today's job market, you need every edge that you can get. If you cannot locate a permanent job, a temporary one will still get you employed. While locum tenens is a temporary position, it doesn't have to be. You can make what you want of it. There are many people who choose to stay in a temporary position and jump from facility to facility so that they do not become bored with their job. You might find after doing this for a year or two that this is the ideal career path for you.
All you have to do is determine where you want to work and what kind of career path you want to lead. You can then sit down with Whitaker Medical to determine what your options are. You will interview and then the rest is within the hands of the recruiting company.
As a locum tenens, you can fill in for the position for weeks, months, or even longer. Physicians take leave for any number of reasons. Some will go on leave in order to attend college, teacher course at the local university, or even travel abroad with programs such as Doctors Without Borders. This is your opportunity to step in and become employed without waiting for an actual €open€ position available. Especially if you aren't sure what facility you want to work in or are not sure you want to stay in a particular city, this is an opportunity that you may wish to explore.
When you are looking for locum tenens positions, you can use a company to help you locate the open positions. These companies are hired by the local medical facilities to fill their positions. When you wish to interview for one of the positions, you are interviewing with the staffing company. They have been trusted to do all of the interviewing for the medical facility to narrow down all of the potential applicants. This allows the medical facility to only interview the final few in order to make an ultimate hiring decision for the short term position.
If you were to try and find a position on your own within the medical community, you could spend a significant amount of time looking for available positions, filling out applications, and interviewing. By choosing a staffing company that specializes in locum tenens, you can submit one resume and have one interview. This means that you are likely going to find a job much faster. Plus, you want to consider the fact that many locum tenens positions turn into full-time work because the medical facility is happy with performance.
In today's job market, you need every edge that you can get. If you cannot locate a permanent job, a temporary one will still get you employed. While locum tenens is a temporary position, it doesn't have to be. You can make what you want of it. There are many people who choose to stay in a temporary position and jump from facility to facility so that they do not become bored with their job. You might find after doing this for a year or two that this is the ideal career path for you.
All you have to do is determine where you want to work and what kind of career path you want to lead. You can then sit down with Whitaker Medical to determine what your options are. You will interview and then the rest is within the hands of the recruiting company.