Are you looking for a fun and creative date-night idea with your friends (and, of course, you are over 21)? Well, here is a quick put-together-at-the-last-minute idea.
Call up your group of friends and have each one bring over a bottle of wine wrapped in a brown paper bag.
The wine can be anything from an expensive wine to a very cheap wine or even an unique flavored wine.
Don't look inside the bag, just pull the cork off and make sure the bag is tight around it.
Mark each individual bag with a number on it.
Now, hopefully you had a few moments to make an easy check sheet before the guests arrive.
On the sheet (one for everyone) put down the following questions: 1) What hints of taste do you detect? (vanilla, floral, woody, for example).
2) Is this a cheap, mid-range, or expensive wine? 3) Rate it on a scale of 1-10 on if you like it (a 10) or if you do not (a 1).
4) Is this your favorite or least favorite wine? 5) Does chocolate make the flavor better or stronger? Make sure you have enough of these questions for every bottle of wine.
It is better to have overshot your list of questions than to have a bottle for which you have no questions.
Talk about the wines among yourselves as you commence your taste testing.
Offer small test tastings of each one, number by number, and answer the questions as you go along.
As the night progresses your taste buds will lose a bit of their sensitivity to detect "hints" of anything so make sure that you have small crackers by the tasting areas and maybe add in some different chocolates to add to the flavor of the testing.
Wine essence can be brought out by taking a bite of chocolate and then sipping the wine with it.
I attended a wine and champagne tasting a few years back which presented and array of very unique wines.
We tasted jalapeno wine, strawberry wine, a chocolate ice-wine, and even an almond champagne.
To this day, I enjoy almond champagne and, to be honest, that was a flavor I never thought I would enjoy, so you never know what you may find that becomes your new favorite.
Now, here is the fun part: when everyone is done for the night with your wine-tasting event, take off the bags and show them what they chose! Most people are very surprised to learn the cheapest wine was their very favorite.
For those who absolutely hate wine, try it with microbrews!
Call up your group of friends and have each one bring over a bottle of wine wrapped in a brown paper bag.
The wine can be anything from an expensive wine to a very cheap wine or even an unique flavored wine.
Don't look inside the bag, just pull the cork off and make sure the bag is tight around it.
Mark each individual bag with a number on it.
Now, hopefully you had a few moments to make an easy check sheet before the guests arrive.
On the sheet (one for everyone) put down the following questions: 1) What hints of taste do you detect? (vanilla, floral, woody, for example).
2) Is this a cheap, mid-range, or expensive wine? 3) Rate it on a scale of 1-10 on if you like it (a 10) or if you do not (a 1).
4) Is this your favorite or least favorite wine? 5) Does chocolate make the flavor better or stronger? Make sure you have enough of these questions for every bottle of wine.
It is better to have overshot your list of questions than to have a bottle for which you have no questions.
Talk about the wines among yourselves as you commence your taste testing.
Offer small test tastings of each one, number by number, and answer the questions as you go along.
As the night progresses your taste buds will lose a bit of their sensitivity to detect "hints" of anything so make sure that you have small crackers by the tasting areas and maybe add in some different chocolates to add to the flavor of the testing.
Wine essence can be brought out by taking a bite of chocolate and then sipping the wine with it.
I attended a wine and champagne tasting a few years back which presented and array of very unique wines.
We tasted jalapeno wine, strawberry wine, a chocolate ice-wine, and even an almond champagne.
To this day, I enjoy almond champagne and, to be honest, that was a flavor I never thought I would enjoy, so you never know what you may find that becomes your new favorite.
Now, here is the fun part: when everyone is done for the night with your wine-tasting event, take off the bags and show them what they chose! Most people are very surprised to learn the cheapest wine was their very favorite.
For those who absolutely hate wine, try it with microbrews!