The answer to the question can a parent make discipline positive? Is yes, with the right help, absolutely! How can a parent make discipline positive? That would be a much better question and I am going to do my best to answer this.
Plus try to address how to discipline aggressive misbehavior all in this one little article.
Anything is possible and when it comes to guidance aggressive children are the hardest to teach.
It really is difficult to try and tell a child This is what is best for you.
Especially when your disciplining your child.
The fact is though that without it your child will never learn what truly is best and will grow up with all the wrong ideas.
The one thing that would make discipline positive would be not to include shouting or spanking as part of the disciplinary process.
It sends a very conflicting message.
Its also counterproductive in the worst kind of way.
One way to try and induce positive discipline would be to include yourself with whatever kind of punishment you choose to bestow.
This is an excellent opportunity to bond with your child as well as prove that it is not the worst thing in the world.
Parents can sometimes discipline their children without thinking it through.
This will put an end to that.
As far as how to discipline aggressive misbehavior that is something that needs to be considered on a per incident basis.
However, one thing is always going to do the trick and that would be making them accountable.
Lets say that a child smacks another child and takes away the toy that they were playing with.
Immediately find out the reason they did this and talk to them without being shocked or letting them see how upset you are.
Emotions tend to cloud your response.
It is very important that you find out the reason for this behavior and that you talk to them about it frequently.
Help them to understand themselves better and that this behavior needs to stop.
Talk with them openly about it.
In front of their father or mother too, if they were not there when it happened.
Once they are made to be constantly aware of this behavior and to share it with others they will see the error of it and how they would not like to be treated that way either.
Do not go out of your way to embarrass them.
However, they still need to be held accountable.
Ask them to explain to their parents and others openly what they did and why.
Then have them openly explain what they learned from the experience as well as apologize for it.
Accountability almost always diffuses and reduces aggressive behavior.
This is also the best way to turn the discipline positive as well.
Accountability is a huge part of the process.
Especially when it comes to how you discipline aggressive misbehavior.
They will not want to confront or own up to what they know deep down is wrong.
Do not over do it but this will deter them from doing something like that again.
Every time they are misbehaving in such a way include accountability as part of the discipline.
Plus try to address how to discipline aggressive misbehavior all in this one little article.
Anything is possible and when it comes to guidance aggressive children are the hardest to teach.
It really is difficult to try and tell a child This is what is best for you.
Especially when your disciplining your child.
The fact is though that without it your child will never learn what truly is best and will grow up with all the wrong ideas.
The one thing that would make discipline positive would be not to include shouting or spanking as part of the disciplinary process.
It sends a very conflicting message.
Its also counterproductive in the worst kind of way.
One way to try and induce positive discipline would be to include yourself with whatever kind of punishment you choose to bestow.
This is an excellent opportunity to bond with your child as well as prove that it is not the worst thing in the world.
Parents can sometimes discipline their children without thinking it through.
This will put an end to that.
As far as how to discipline aggressive misbehavior that is something that needs to be considered on a per incident basis.
However, one thing is always going to do the trick and that would be making them accountable.
Lets say that a child smacks another child and takes away the toy that they were playing with.
Immediately find out the reason they did this and talk to them without being shocked or letting them see how upset you are.
Emotions tend to cloud your response.
It is very important that you find out the reason for this behavior and that you talk to them about it frequently.
Help them to understand themselves better and that this behavior needs to stop.
Talk with them openly about it.
In front of their father or mother too, if they were not there when it happened.
Once they are made to be constantly aware of this behavior and to share it with others they will see the error of it and how they would not like to be treated that way either.
Do not go out of your way to embarrass them.
However, they still need to be held accountable.
Ask them to explain to their parents and others openly what they did and why.
Then have them openly explain what they learned from the experience as well as apologize for it.
Accountability almost always diffuses and reduces aggressive behavior.
This is also the best way to turn the discipline positive as well.
Accountability is a huge part of the process.
Especially when it comes to how you discipline aggressive misbehavior.
They will not want to confront or own up to what they know deep down is wrong.
Do not over do it but this will deter them from doing something like that again.
Every time they are misbehaving in such a way include accountability as part of the discipline.