Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

5 Great Ways to Beat Writer"s Block

Good writer or great, writer's block is one thing every writer must wade through every now and then.
So what really is writer's block? Nothing special, and entirely unnecessary, if you ask me.
But, sadly enough, it happens.
Symptoms when IT strikes are pretty simple: the poor writer sits down to write but all that comes to mind is either something shockingly irrelevant or a plain, blank screen.
Think, think and again, think...
No idea, not a word on paper.
Another thing that could happen is that the poor being sits down to write and ends up typing some stuff but thinks it is worse than gibberish, so off it goes into the trash can.
Perfect-tragic-tale! With writer's block amply defined, let's now see what exactly can be done to beat it black and blue.
If you've been hit by writer's block, try some of these to fight it off: * Write anything that comes to mind: The idea is to just put your thoughts on paper, irrespective of how relevant they are to what you've actually to write about.
In a matter of minutes, you'll start generating a good flow of thought.
Now switch to the topic you've to write on.
Keep in mind that you've not to delete that dummy write up.
Save and keep it for a later date when you can possibly sit down and build a good enough piece out of it.
Else, use it as a quick-start method the next time you've writer's block.
* If you really think you cannot jot down whatever comes to mind, go browse the net or a bookshelf and find yourself something you enjoy reading.
I often go around reading news updates and book reviews.
Another good option- and it really is a lot better than it sounds- is to get a hand on some ball-by-ball cricket commentary texts (that, if you enjoy cricket, or are at least fond of a couple of guys playing the match;) ).
These texts are great light reading material and you'll be done with them in no time.
The logic: you're basically running short of ideas when having writer's block, which, very often, could be due to a tired brain.
What you do here is just treat yourself to some material that is interesting and enjoyable to you along with being not too taxing a read.
* Another good idea could be to go around and have a 'friendly chat' with people around you about something you've to write on.
Different people have different views and indulging in some info download will greatly help your cause.
Collect relevant and interesting ideas and try put them on paper.
Oh, and do remember to go thank the good souls once you're done with your task.
With that, you've not just expressed some gratitude you ought to, but have also created some fertile ground for the next time you just might need their services.
* Whenever you write, make sure you've a copy at hand that you can refer to when needed.
If possible, rate or categorize your work.
This little collection can then be used to provide that power packed boost when you seem all at sea to come up with a decent write up.
Read your work and observe the little details that make it the good piece it is.
Do a mini round of applause (even if you happen to be the only one doing it).
Give yourself a pat on the back and a high five.
Yeah, hit right hand on left if that is all that's available! Feel better? Now try jotting down some stuff for whatever you're to write on.
Don't rush though.
Make sure you do it only when you feel you've all the confidence in the world to come up trumps this time too.
* The best reserved for the last.
So here it goes: pack up.
Yup, as simple as that! Just wind up for the day and give yourself a goody-good treat by taking the rest of the day off.
Do what you like best- eat, sleep, drink, talk, watch a movie, go out...
do anything that lets you calm down, loosen up and chill.
Hey, life's not all fun though.
All play and no work will make you a dimwit.
Not as good as the original (in case you're wondering, here's the original: all play and no work makes Jack a dull boy), but it does manage to convey the meaning.
Now what you do after this day of all fun and no play is follow it up with a good, productive day at work.
With a fresh mind at hand, get down to some serious writing.
Now, now...
if you're sitting there and half-guessing this is all preach-preach and no practice, here's a tiny-winy bit of revelation: each of these 'methods' have been put to use to come up with this little gem.
So, yeah, they're all tried and tested; and each comes with a badge of sure-shot-result-guarantee.
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