There are a lot of methods to driving targeted traffic to websites.
One commonly overlooked method for getting free traffic to websites is writing affiliate marketing articles.
Unfortunately, this is even more true for affiliate marketers who are trying to siphon traffic to their sites.
In this article, I am going to give you a brief outline for writing affiliate marketing articles.
This will put you head and shoulders over your competition that will post affiliate marketing articles without caring about how they are written.
Don't try to write the perfect affiliate marketing article.
Frequently, when writing affiliate marketing articles, people tend to "overthink" the article writing process and think they are writing Shakespeare or are rivaling Stephen King.
Thankfully, you don't have to have a Masters degree in English to write excellent affiliate marketing articles.
All you need to do is write in an interesting way that conveys the information.
Make sure your keywords are placed in the affiliate marketing article frequently.
Ideally, when writing affiliate marketing articles, you'll want to sprinkle your target keyword into the article.
The ideal place for inserting your target keyword is the headline, the first paragraph of your article, and the last paragraph.
Be careful not to "keyword stuff" your articles--the search engines can pick up on that really quickly and penalize you in short order.
Make sure you have a call to action in your affiliate marketing article.
AT the end of the article, you want to have a call to action that refers them to a website for more information.
Ideally, you want this to be the "money site" or the affiliate site where the person can buy the product.
Make your affiliate marketing article informative.
You must make sure that your affiliate marketing article makes the reader feel good that they read it.
They must learn something or feel like your affiliate marketing article was worthwhile if you want them to check on your "call to action button:" to your affiliate page.
If you just have an article the wastes the reader's time, they are not going to request further information from you.
Make sure you are not too "salesy" in your article.
When writing affiliate marketing articles, you don't want to write a sales-letter.
Articles are supposed to be a "soft sell" that nudges them toward a buying decision.
Be sure to remove "salesy" language such as "ground-breaking,"breakthrough," and "cutting edge.
" Also remove the pronoun "You" so it looks like it is informing a wide audience--and not a sales letter that speaks directly to a single person.
Writing affiliate marketing articles also gives you a perfect change to get free traffic to you're website.
Why is that? Since you are usually getting a percentage of total sales (around 50% for most information products) it limits how much you can spend on common advertising methods such as pay-per-click and banner advertising.
Writing affiliate marketing articles that subtly promote your affiliate product or service can reap huge dividends for your affiliate marketing efforts.
To discover affiliate email marketing strategies from the internet's most experienced email marketers, get this free video.
One commonly overlooked method for getting free traffic to websites is writing affiliate marketing articles.
Unfortunately, this is even more true for affiliate marketers who are trying to siphon traffic to their sites.
In this article, I am going to give you a brief outline for writing affiliate marketing articles.
This will put you head and shoulders over your competition that will post affiliate marketing articles without caring about how they are written.
Don't try to write the perfect affiliate marketing article.
Frequently, when writing affiliate marketing articles, people tend to "overthink" the article writing process and think they are writing Shakespeare or are rivaling Stephen King.
Thankfully, you don't have to have a Masters degree in English to write excellent affiliate marketing articles.
All you need to do is write in an interesting way that conveys the information.
Make sure your keywords are placed in the affiliate marketing article frequently.
Ideally, when writing affiliate marketing articles, you'll want to sprinkle your target keyword into the article.
The ideal place for inserting your target keyword is the headline, the first paragraph of your article, and the last paragraph.
Be careful not to "keyword stuff" your articles--the search engines can pick up on that really quickly and penalize you in short order.
Make sure you have a call to action in your affiliate marketing article.
AT the end of the article, you want to have a call to action that refers them to a website for more information.
Ideally, you want this to be the "money site" or the affiliate site where the person can buy the product.
Make your affiliate marketing article informative.
You must make sure that your affiliate marketing article makes the reader feel good that they read it.
They must learn something or feel like your affiliate marketing article was worthwhile if you want them to check on your "call to action button:" to your affiliate page.
If you just have an article the wastes the reader's time, they are not going to request further information from you.
Make sure you are not too "salesy" in your article.
When writing affiliate marketing articles, you don't want to write a sales-letter.
Articles are supposed to be a "soft sell" that nudges them toward a buying decision.
Be sure to remove "salesy" language such as "ground-breaking,"breakthrough," and "cutting edge.
" Also remove the pronoun "You" so it looks like it is informing a wide audience--and not a sales letter that speaks directly to a single person.
Writing affiliate marketing articles also gives you a perfect change to get free traffic to you're website.
Why is that? Since you are usually getting a percentage of total sales (around 50% for most information products) it limits how much you can spend on common advertising methods such as pay-per-click and banner advertising.
Writing affiliate marketing articles that subtly promote your affiliate product or service can reap huge dividends for your affiliate marketing efforts.
To discover affiliate email marketing strategies from the internet's most experienced email marketers, get this free video.