Health & Medical Men's Health

Discover How a Simple PC Muscle Workout May Help You in Fixing Erectile Dysfunction

It is known a fact that there over 200 millions of middle aged men out there suffer from erectile dysfunction.
Every year, those figures are always increases to that total number.
And many treatments have been developed in helping to ease the suffering of these men.
However there are simpler ways for you to avoid unnecessary medications that may lead to undesirable side effects.
It is known that specific targeted workouts may reduce erectile dysfunction from happening again.
In this article, we focus on the benefits of PC muscle workout that you can do anytime, anywhere.
Pubococcygeus muscle or more commonly known as PC muscle, main purpose is to control urine flow, however it is also has a factor on erections.
The stronger your PC muscle is, the harder your erections will be, thus may cure your erectile dysfunction completely.
So how does one know where one's PC muscle is located? When you pee, try stopping at mid flow.
The muscle that you flex is you PC muscle.
It may be a little difficult in finding it for the first time, but once you have found it, you will have no problems.
A very basic way to do PC muscle work out, is flex or tense your PC muscle for about 3 to 5 seconds.
This is called one rep.
For beginners, it is recommended to do at least 100 reps a day.
Once you are more familiar with it, you can do as much as 400 reps a day.
You can do this basic PC muscle workout anywhere and anytime, even while watching TV, while at a stop sign, reading a book, and even while reading this article.
This workout is the most basic ones.
There are other more effective PC muscle workouts that have proven to have great results in erectile dysfunction.
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