There are two basic types of firewood storage racks.
One type is for use outdoors and one is for using outdoors and both have different functions.
Outdoor Firewood Storage Racks Outdoor storage racks are usually larger and can hold larger amounts of wood.
These racks are usually intended to be where you keep your long term firewood stock pile and maybe even your entire winter supply.
An outdoor rack makes stacking your firewood simple.
The rack provides a stable even base to stack on and the end supports keep the ends of the stack vertical and stable.
Your stack will be less likely to fall over than if it was free standing.
The rack will also help keep your wood dry.
Your wood will be elevated off the ground and stacked in a way that will allow the air to circulate and make it easy to cover.
This makes the wood dry faster and helps it stay dry.
Indoor Firewood Storage Racks Indoor racks are smaller and are made to hold a smaller amount of firewood.
Maybe enough for a day or two supply.
These racks are usually placed on or near your hearth and makes a place to store your wood in a location where it's convenient to place directly into your fire.
With an indoor rack you can bring in a day or two supply at one time and then you won't have to go outside to your stock pile every time you want to put wood on your fire.
Another benefit of the indoor rack is if there is a little moisture left in the wood the heat and dry air next to your stove or fireplace will help dry it before you burn it.
For the best results it's good to have an outdoor rack to store your main supply of wood and an indoor rack for a place to conveniently store your immediate firewood supply.
One type is for use outdoors and one is for using outdoors and both have different functions.
Outdoor Firewood Storage Racks Outdoor storage racks are usually larger and can hold larger amounts of wood.
These racks are usually intended to be where you keep your long term firewood stock pile and maybe even your entire winter supply.
An outdoor rack makes stacking your firewood simple.
The rack provides a stable even base to stack on and the end supports keep the ends of the stack vertical and stable.
Your stack will be less likely to fall over than if it was free standing.
The rack will also help keep your wood dry.
Your wood will be elevated off the ground and stacked in a way that will allow the air to circulate and make it easy to cover.
This makes the wood dry faster and helps it stay dry.
Indoor Firewood Storage Racks Indoor racks are smaller and are made to hold a smaller amount of firewood.
Maybe enough for a day or two supply.
These racks are usually placed on or near your hearth and makes a place to store your wood in a location where it's convenient to place directly into your fire.
With an indoor rack you can bring in a day or two supply at one time and then you won't have to go outside to your stock pile every time you want to put wood on your fire.
Another benefit of the indoor rack is if there is a little moisture left in the wood the heat and dry air next to your stove or fireplace will help dry it before you burn it.
For the best results it's good to have an outdoor rack to store your main supply of wood and an indoor rack for a place to conveniently store your immediate firewood supply.