Shaving can be one of the toughest parts of a man's day if done incorrectly.
However, when done right, it can also be one of the most gratifying and refreshing.
Follow the tips below to get a great shave each and every time! The first thing that you want to do is find the right products.
Any of these can be found at a pharmacy or general store, most likely in the shaving or skin care aisles.
First, to prepare your skin for the shave, you want to find a great cleanser that will clean your skin and the hair on your face, allowing for the razor to glide smoothly and remain free of anything that might dull it.
Next, you'll need a good shaving oil.
These usually contain some form of evening primrose or jojoba oil, both of which have a nice calming effect on the skin.
Shaving oils also help to stand your hair upright, so none of it is opposing the razor as it passes over your face.
The next thing you'll want to have is a good shaving lotion.
Try to go for the kind that comes out of a squeeze tube as opposed to an aerosol can, because the aerosol kind usually includes alcohol, which can easily irritate the skin.
Lastly, you'll want some kind of shave balm of aftershave oil to apply when you are finished.
Once again, look for something that doesn't contain alcohol.
Also, if possible, you'll want to find something that doesn't contain a whole lot of fragrance, because that call also irritate the skin when used in excess.
When beginning to shave, you'll want to prepare your face and beard by getting the hair alert.
This can be accomplished by getting the hair warm, the easiest way being to just take a shower.
If you don't have time for this, don't worry, the same effect can be created by covering your face with a warm (not scalding) washcloth for 20-30 seconds.
Do this before or after you've washed your face with warm water and the cleanser.
Next, you want to apply the shaving oil and the shaving lotion.
The order doesn't really matter, as they will blend anyways, but do them one at a time in order to be sure that your beard is pretty well covered with each.
Be generous here- these two are the most important products in terms of staving off razor burn and cuts.
Time to begin the shave.
Start from the outside and work your way in, from both sides of you face.
It's important that you shave in the direction of the grain of the hair (whichever way it is growing).
Generally, this is down on the face and up on the neck, but i can vary from person to person.
Move the blade with confident strokes, keeping it at a 90 degree angle to your face- this helps with making sure the blade cuts straight on and doesn't pull at the hair.
You'll want to save the mustache and chin for last, since the hair here is the most sensitive and dense, and the oil and lotion will have the most time to work their way in and get the hair raised.
Once you are finished with the actual shaving, you'll want to apply the shaving balm or aftershave.
Usually I cleanse my face again before I do this, just because I feel like the balm can work its way in better if my face is clean.
Work the product in using circular motions, taking care to be gentle with your newly shaven face.
And there you have it- a simple guide to shave your face and get free of that razor burn once and for all.
Shaving can take a little practice to master, but since it has to be done pretty often, you'll get great in no time!
However, when done right, it can also be one of the most gratifying and refreshing.
Follow the tips below to get a great shave each and every time! The first thing that you want to do is find the right products.
Any of these can be found at a pharmacy or general store, most likely in the shaving or skin care aisles.
First, to prepare your skin for the shave, you want to find a great cleanser that will clean your skin and the hair on your face, allowing for the razor to glide smoothly and remain free of anything that might dull it.
Next, you'll need a good shaving oil.
These usually contain some form of evening primrose or jojoba oil, both of which have a nice calming effect on the skin.
Shaving oils also help to stand your hair upright, so none of it is opposing the razor as it passes over your face.
The next thing you'll want to have is a good shaving lotion.
Try to go for the kind that comes out of a squeeze tube as opposed to an aerosol can, because the aerosol kind usually includes alcohol, which can easily irritate the skin.
Lastly, you'll want some kind of shave balm of aftershave oil to apply when you are finished.
Once again, look for something that doesn't contain alcohol.
Also, if possible, you'll want to find something that doesn't contain a whole lot of fragrance, because that call also irritate the skin when used in excess.
When beginning to shave, you'll want to prepare your face and beard by getting the hair alert.
This can be accomplished by getting the hair warm, the easiest way being to just take a shower.
If you don't have time for this, don't worry, the same effect can be created by covering your face with a warm (not scalding) washcloth for 20-30 seconds.
Do this before or after you've washed your face with warm water and the cleanser.
Next, you want to apply the shaving oil and the shaving lotion.
The order doesn't really matter, as they will blend anyways, but do them one at a time in order to be sure that your beard is pretty well covered with each.
Be generous here- these two are the most important products in terms of staving off razor burn and cuts.
Time to begin the shave.
Start from the outside and work your way in, from both sides of you face.
It's important that you shave in the direction of the grain of the hair (whichever way it is growing).
Generally, this is down on the face and up on the neck, but i can vary from person to person.
Move the blade with confident strokes, keeping it at a 90 degree angle to your face- this helps with making sure the blade cuts straight on and doesn't pull at the hair.
You'll want to save the mustache and chin for last, since the hair here is the most sensitive and dense, and the oil and lotion will have the most time to work their way in and get the hair raised.
Once you are finished with the actual shaving, you'll want to apply the shaving balm or aftershave.
Usually I cleanse my face again before I do this, just because I feel like the balm can work its way in better if my face is clean.
Work the product in using circular motions, taking care to be gentle with your newly shaven face.
And there you have it- a simple guide to shave your face and get free of that razor burn once and for all.
Shaving can take a little practice to master, but since it has to be done pretty often, you'll get great in no time!