Rosacea is one of the most common skin disorders which typically affect adults in their thirties and forties.
The disease is characterized by flushing of the face, redness or erythema of the skin and the appearance of pus containing pimples or pustules.
There is no conventional curative treatment for rosacea; however, some alternative and complementary lines of treatment have proven to be beneficial in the amelioration of symptoms of patients with rosacea.
Here are some of the most effective alternative lines of treatment for rosacea: - Application of water filled cold packs, a piece of cloth soaked in cold water or cold milk compresses to the face can be helpful in amelioration of flushing, but pay attention that application of too cold compresses to the face can lead to frostbite which can worsen facial flushing even more.
- Many patients report relief of flushing upon sucking on ice cubes.
- Application of cold compresses soaked in chamomile tea has proven to be effective in soothing flushed irritated skin.
- Massage is quite helpful in the amelioration of flushing.
Daily circular massage to the nose, forehead and cheeks can decrease the incidence of occurrence of facial flushing.
- Some researchers have proven that deficiency of stomach hydrochloric acid (HCl) can be a precipitating factor for the development of rosacea; hence, HCl supplements can sometimes be helpful in the relief of symptoms of patients with rosacea.
- Recently, hypnosis has been proven to be an effective line of treatment for some psychological disorders and medical disorders which are triggered by emotional instability.
It is widely agreed now that hypnosis is a powerful therapeutic tool that can promote healthy behavioral patterns, reduce bad habits and ameliorate stress.
Some researchers have proven that hypnosis, when used as a complementary line of treatment, can ameliorate manifestations of rosacea especially flushing of the face.
- Consumption of dark green vegetables including asparagus, broccoli and kale is crucial for patients with rosacea.
These vegetables contain high concentrations of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, carotenes and bioflavonoids which strengthen the immune system.
Dark grape juice and apple juice are highly recommended for patients with rosacea.
- Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant which prevents the damage that can be caused to the skin by means of oxidants.
Vitamin E also accelerates wound healing.
Moreover, Omega-3 and Omega-6 long chain fatty acids are crucial for prevention of irritation and dryness of the skin.
The disease is characterized by flushing of the face, redness or erythema of the skin and the appearance of pus containing pimples or pustules.
There is no conventional curative treatment for rosacea; however, some alternative and complementary lines of treatment have proven to be beneficial in the amelioration of symptoms of patients with rosacea.
Here are some of the most effective alternative lines of treatment for rosacea: - Application of water filled cold packs, a piece of cloth soaked in cold water or cold milk compresses to the face can be helpful in amelioration of flushing, but pay attention that application of too cold compresses to the face can lead to frostbite which can worsen facial flushing even more.
- Many patients report relief of flushing upon sucking on ice cubes.
- Application of cold compresses soaked in chamomile tea has proven to be effective in soothing flushed irritated skin.
- Massage is quite helpful in the amelioration of flushing.
Daily circular massage to the nose, forehead and cheeks can decrease the incidence of occurrence of facial flushing.
- Some researchers have proven that deficiency of stomach hydrochloric acid (HCl) can be a precipitating factor for the development of rosacea; hence, HCl supplements can sometimes be helpful in the relief of symptoms of patients with rosacea.
- Recently, hypnosis has been proven to be an effective line of treatment for some psychological disorders and medical disorders which are triggered by emotional instability.
It is widely agreed now that hypnosis is a powerful therapeutic tool that can promote healthy behavioral patterns, reduce bad habits and ameliorate stress.
Some researchers have proven that hypnosis, when used as a complementary line of treatment, can ameliorate manifestations of rosacea especially flushing of the face.
- Consumption of dark green vegetables including asparagus, broccoli and kale is crucial for patients with rosacea.
These vegetables contain high concentrations of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, carotenes and bioflavonoids which strengthen the immune system.
Dark grape juice and apple juice are highly recommended for patients with rosacea.
- Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant which prevents the damage that can be caused to the skin by means of oxidants.
Vitamin E also accelerates wound healing.
Moreover, Omega-3 and Omega-6 long chain fatty acids are crucial for prevention of irritation and dryness of the skin.