- 1). Set up the fish tank. Get a tank, stand and hood and place it away from direct sunlight or any heating or cooling vents. Rinse the gravel until water runs clear and place it in the tank, about 2 inches deep. Set up and plug in your filter and heater. Add any décor.
- 2). Fill the fish tank. Slowly fill the fish tank with room-temperature water. Add the water conditioner, following the directions on the label. Let your tank hang out for a day or so without any fish.
- 3). Select your fish. Make sure you select fish that get along so they don’t attack and kill each other. Some fish, like tiger barbs, often like to nip and may rip fins off fancier fish. The rule of thumb is generally 1 inch of fish for 1 gallon of water. So your 20-gallon tank can have 20 1-inch fish, 10 2-inch fish, or any combination thereof. Keep in mind, too, that some fish grow very large, depending on circumstances. If you are not sure about a particular fish, ask the pet store people for help.
- 4). Do regular maintenance. Do a water change at least once a month. Gently stir up the gravel to dislodge any particles. Empty about 1/4 of the water and replace it with fresh, conditioned water. Hoses sold at pet stores that hook up to your sink to drain and fill tanks will help with this step. The frequency of your water changes will depend on how messy your tank is.
- 5). Add new fish by first acclimating them. Open the plastic bag the fish is in and float it in your tank. The tank water should mingle with the water in the bag so the fish gets used to it. Let him sit for several minutes, then slowly let him out into the tank.