Hemigrammus are a group of certain kind of popular fish that are easily maintained in captivity.
Hemigrammus fish have more popular names than the species name.
Hemigrammus rhodostomus is better known as the Rummynose Tetra.
The Hyphessobrycon Flammeus, the Flame Tetra, falls within this group.
The hemigrammus erythrozonus is known as the Glowlight Tetra.
Here are some other quick examples: Hemigrammus Caudovittatus (Buenos Aires Tetra) and Hemigrammus Pulcher (Pretty Tetra).
This group is very popular because they are easy to own.
Many of them are also very pretty with great colors throughout their bodies.
The Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) is a very easy to fish to maintain.
The freshwater fish will only grow to about two inches in length.
They came from Guyana.
The fish gets its name from having a small glow to its body, usually red in color.
However, this could change if the fish is kept in an unfavorable environment.
Aquarium Conditions: The Glowlight Tetra should always be kept in fresh water.
The temperature should be between 75-70 degrees Fahrenheit.
They should be kept in dim lighting with lots of vegetation.
However, keep some pockets for the fish to swim around in the open.
Glowlight Tetra should be in large groups.
There should never be less than 10 in your tank.
Feeding: Feeding the Glowlight Tetra is easy.
The colorful fish takes flakes.
How to breed: It's hard to get these fish to breed, though, it will happen more often than with other tetra.
The fry will hatch within 24 hours and are swimming in three to four days.
Feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp and mircoworms.
Rummynose Tetra are found in the Amazon basin.
These fish have a clear-looking or silver body with a bright red nose, which is where the name is derived from.
They can grow up to two inches.
Aquarium Conditions: The water should be kept between 75-78 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH between 6.
Plants and vegetation should be around the edges of the tank with enough space for the fish to dart around, but keep open water in the middle of the tank for them to swim.
Be mindful of these fish because they are sensitive to rapid environment changes.
Rummynose Tetra should be kept with many fish of its own kind.
Feeding: Rummynose tetra are like your little brother.
They will eat anything.
Fish flakes work well.
How to breed: These animals are very hard to breed.
They require soft water, slightly acidic.
The fish that breeds should be taken out of the environment once it scatters all of its eggs.
The fry will hatch within a few days.
Hyphessobrycon Flammeus, or Flame Tetra, live around South America.
They are small fish and get to be about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in size.
The front of the body is bright yellow and turns into a majestic orange the closer to the tail.
Aquarium Conditions: The temperature of the aquarium should sit around 75 degrees Fahrenheit and stay between 6.
0 to 8.
0 pH levels.
The Flame Tetra likes lots of plants to hide in.
Make sure there is lots of vegetation in the aquarium.
These fish also like dim lighting and to be kept in schools.
Feeding: The Flame Tetra takes flakes.
How to breed: These fish are very easy to breed, but remove the parents when the eggs have been laid.
The parents like to eat them.
About 250 eggs will be laid and it till take about one to two days for the fry to hatch.
Hemigrammus fish have more popular names than the species name.
Hemigrammus rhodostomus is better known as the Rummynose Tetra.
The Hyphessobrycon Flammeus, the Flame Tetra, falls within this group.
The hemigrammus erythrozonus is known as the Glowlight Tetra.
Here are some other quick examples: Hemigrammus Caudovittatus (Buenos Aires Tetra) and Hemigrammus Pulcher (Pretty Tetra).
This group is very popular because they are easy to own.
Many of them are also very pretty with great colors throughout their bodies.
The Glowlight Tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) is a very easy to fish to maintain.
The freshwater fish will only grow to about two inches in length.
They came from Guyana.
The fish gets its name from having a small glow to its body, usually red in color.
However, this could change if the fish is kept in an unfavorable environment.
Aquarium Conditions: The Glowlight Tetra should always be kept in fresh water.
The temperature should be between 75-70 degrees Fahrenheit.
They should be kept in dim lighting with lots of vegetation.
However, keep some pockets for the fish to swim around in the open.
Glowlight Tetra should be in large groups.
There should never be less than 10 in your tank.
Feeding: Feeding the Glowlight Tetra is easy.
The colorful fish takes flakes.
How to breed: It's hard to get these fish to breed, though, it will happen more often than with other tetra.
The fry will hatch within 24 hours and are swimming in three to four days.
Feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp and mircoworms.
Rummynose Tetra are found in the Amazon basin.
These fish have a clear-looking or silver body with a bright red nose, which is where the name is derived from.
They can grow up to two inches.
Aquarium Conditions: The water should be kept between 75-78 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH between 6.
Plants and vegetation should be around the edges of the tank with enough space for the fish to dart around, but keep open water in the middle of the tank for them to swim.
Be mindful of these fish because they are sensitive to rapid environment changes.
Rummynose Tetra should be kept with many fish of its own kind.
Feeding: Rummynose tetra are like your little brother.
They will eat anything.
Fish flakes work well.
How to breed: These animals are very hard to breed.
They require soft water, slightly acidic.
The fish that breeds should be taken out of the environment once it scatters all of its eggs.
The fry will hatch within a few days.
Hyphessobrycon Flammeus, or Flame Tetra, live around South America.
They are small fish and get to be about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in size.
The front of the body is bright yellow and turns into a majestic orange the closer to the tail.
Aquarium Conditions: The temperature of the aquarium should sit around 75 degrees Fahrenheit and stay between 6.
0 to 8.
0 pH levels.
The Flame Tetra likes lots of plants to hide in.
Make sure there is lots of vegetation in the aquarium.
These fish also like dim lighting and to be kept in schools.
Feeding: The Flame Tetra takes flakes.
How to breed: These fish are very easy to breed, but remove the parents when the eggs have been laid.
The parents like to eat them.
About 250 eggs will be laid and it till take about one to two days for the fry to hatch.