Insurance Health & Medical Insurance

Health Insurance in India: The Next Step to Healthy Workstations

Growing literacy rate is the primary achievement for an economy of a country like India, creating qualified individuals seeking jobs in various sectors. These services present an array of pros and cons associated with the income as well health issues of the individuals. Contemporary problems include obesity and issues relating to stress and overwork. These have become the primary concerns of the professionals. There are numerous categories of occupations which have health issues and safety concerns such as Construction Jobs, Fishermen, Industrial Works, Mining, Agriculture, IT Professionals, etc.

While working on construction sites and private offices health issues always surround you. Several physical and mechanical accidents might happen at construction sites and industries such as falling or slipping off the buildings, burn, cut, shear, stab, strike or wounds if machines are used unsafely and in confined places without proper ventilations. The constant inhaling of toxic chemicals and loud noises lead to various skin problems and hearing loss. Electric shocks and musculoskeletal disorders are some other health issues faced by the working class. Another chain of health issues are for employees working in offices, although away from physical and mechanical accident they poses a different set of medical problems. Thrombosis, heart disease, cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, vitamin D deficiency, bacterial infections, anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, lower back pain, neck and eye strain are some of the major issues faced by individuals.

Several safety measures and exercises in workplace can reduce the frequency of such accidents and act as a measure to improve the health of the employees. These include taking regular short breaks during work, taking daily multivitamins, usage of sanitizers around the workstation, limiting computer use, practicing yoga and tai chi, daily meditation to avoid creating pressure points and awkward spinal angles etc.

In a highly populated country like India, most of its young and adult generation is spending its time at workplace and require health assurance as it serves as the door to all the solutions. Health insurance in India is like any other form of insurance policy where people pool the risks of medical expense or requirements in future. Medical insurance in India is categorized for Individuals and Groups, Group health insurance is available for organizations or a company which provides the benefits of the insurance policies to its employees. Health insurance serves as the helping hand in times of emergencies for the employees for which they are charged a minimal amount every month. Investing in health insurance will not only mean that you receive the best treatment available but also the peace of mind. Opting for health insurance is considered as a safe option due to dependence of the families on the working personality. The medical coverage includes many features as on-time availability of funds, pre and post medical expenses, free ambulance, blood supply, monthly check-ups, cashless facility, 24*7 coverage etc. Thus medical insurance is always advisable because of the growing workload and pressure of the sustaining a better standard of life.
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