Things You'll Need
1Wash your face with a mild cleanser and pat dry with a towel. Place wet tea bags under your eyes. Leave them on for 10 minutes. The ingredients in the tea bag will brighten and lighten the under eye area. Do this in the morning for a refreshed and awake look.
Massage honey and almond oil into the skin at night. Mix honey and almond oil in a small container. Dab your finger in the container and starting at the outer edge of the eye slowly massage it into the skin. Massage into the skin for five minutes. Do this nightly to soften the skin while strengthening it with added nutrients.
Take iron supplements and drink lots of water. It is said that dark under eye circles can be caused by a lack of iron in the diet also known as anemia. It can also result from dehydration. Take a iron pill or vitamin daily and increase your water intake and notice the difference it has on your under eye area.
Put a dab of Preparation H under eyes to reduce puffiness. Leave a thin layer on for 20 minutes. This is most effective when done before an important event, meeting or other function. The puffiness will return eventually but, with daily use, it will reduce the puffiness over time.
Apply moisturizer under the eyes. Allow it to set for five minutes or so. Dab a thin layer of foundation under your eyes. Keep it very light so that it doesn't clump and get stuck in your eye creases. Lightly dust some concealing powder under your eyes. That's it! Just keep up the routine and your under eyes will become lighter and brighter.