We know that as your skin ages it is better to buy a skin care range from a natural skin care company, but what about young healthy skin? Do you think that it is alright when you are younger to apply any type of product made from natural and artificial fillers? Another question - Do you think that looking after your skin only really applies from 40 onwards? I think that the whole ethos of the teenage and young adult population is one of: I can use what products I want and my skin will stay young.
I can eat anything and I'll still keep my figure.
I can get a lovely tan the sun won't damage my skin.
Now I know that this type of thinking doesn't go for everyone within the age range from 16 - 35 but the fact that there is a much higher proportion of younger people suffering skin cancers must set off some alarm bells.
Okay let's look and answer the questions that have been posed.
Firstly we know and accept the fact that older people's skin does change due to the loss of collagen and elastin.
Also because of less hormone activity a more mature skin can dry out excessively.
There are ways to combat these changes and one of them that most people over the age of 40 think of is using anti aging products that will nourish their skin.
A lot of younger people simply don't see danger in any form.
This does apply to looking after their skin properly.
Yes they start to use skin care products but many of them don't look at the labels.
If they see a picture of a celebrity who looks beautiful then they believe that it must be alright to use the same thing.
They believe that the celebrity genuinely uses that particular product.
Another thing is that maybe for many years their skin does look beautiful and so it never really causes them to stop and think what long term harm they are doing to their skin anyway.
What about the number of times that young people use sun beds! Again they don't see the danger - but on the other hand the proportion of youngsters suffering from skin cancers has increased very significantly.
The constant use of many skin care products will eventually cause problems.
It is very important for young people to look after their skin from the beginning because then as they grow older they will not have as much work to do trying to repair skin cells.
When younger people begin to use any skin care products they should be taught to look at the ingredients and also to take into account the long term health problems that they could be building up.
I can eat anything and I'll still keep my figure.
I can get a lovely tan the sun won't damage my skin.
Now I know that this type of thinking doesn't go for everyone within the age range from 16 - 35 but the fact that there is a much higher proportion of younger people suffering skin cancers must set off some alarm bells.
Okay let's look and answer the questions that have been posed.
Firstly we know and accept the fact that older people's skin does change due to the loss of collagen and elastin.
Also because of less hormone activity a more mature skin can dry out excessively.
There are ways to combat these changes and one of them that most people over the age of 40 think of is using anti aging products that will nourish their skin.
A lot of younger people simply don't see danger in any form.
This does apply to looking after their skin properly.
Yes they start to use skin care products but many of them don't look at the labels.
If they see a picture of a celebrity who looks beautiful then they believe that it must be alright to use the same thing.
They believe that the celebrity genuinely uses that particular product.
Another thing is that maybe for many years their skin does look beautiful and so it never really causes them to stop and think what long term harm they are doing to their skin anyway.
What about the number of times that young people use sun beds! Again they don't see the danger - but on the other hand the proportion of youngsters suffering from skin cancers has increased very significantly.
The constant use of many skin care products will eventually cause problems.
It is very important for young people to look after their skin from the beginning because then as they grow older they will not have as much work to do trying to repair skin cells.
When younger people begin to use any skin care products they should be taught to look at the ingredients and also to take into account the long term health problems that they could be building up.