Health & Medical Men's Health

Man Boobs - Top 4 Causes of Man Boobs and How to Solve Them

One of the most embarrassing conditions suffered by 21st century men is man boobs.
Having breasts must be very shattering to a man's masculine identity.
So, if you're searching for answers as to why you've developed them, read on.
There are two different types of man boobs, so the cause will depend on which type you have.
Simply speaking you can divide man boobs into fat related (pseudo-gynecomastia) or hormone related (gynecomastia).
In the case of gynecomastia, a man's hormone balance has become upset, with his testosterone falling and his estrogen rising.
This causes the glandular tissue of the male breast to become enlarged, giving his chest the appearance of breasts.
The exact cause is unknown, but there a number of common reasons for this.
There are a number of medications that can cause this hormonal imbalance.
For instance, some drugs used for high blood pressure such as calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors can cause it.
As can certain antibiotics such as metronidazole, isoniazid, and ketoconazole.
Also, taking diazepam (Valium) is also known to upset the balance of male to female hormones.
These are just some of the known medications that cause gynecomastia.
The solution to the medication cause is to switch to an alternative medication that doesn't have this side effect.
There are also a number of medical conditions that can cause gynecomastia.
For instance, cirrhosis of the liver upsets the metabolism of testosterone and can lead to the development of gynecomastia.
Medical conditions associated with the male sex organs can also upset this hormonal balance, resulting in gynecomastia.
Also, diseases such as hyperthyroidism and chronic renal failure can upset this hormonal balance and result in gynecomastia.
The solution of medically related gynecomastia is to treat the underlying condition.
Or if the cause is a genetic related one, the solution is most likely surgery.
Another common cause of hormone related man boobs, is aging.
As a man ages, his testosterone levels fall which can result in the development of breasts.
Testosterone supplements have been effective for older men with low levels of testosterone.
Exercise also helps as exercise can help raise a man's testosterone levels.
However, the most common cause of man boobs isn't hormone related, but instead is related to weight gain: pseudo-gynecomastia.
When a man is overweight or obese, fat builds up covering his chest, making his chest look like breasts.
So, the solution to fat related man boobs is for a man to lose weight.
The most effective approach to take is one that combines a healthy diet with regular exercise, a mix of cardio to help burn off the fat and weight training to increase the amount of muscle, which in turn helps burn off the fat.
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